我中左木馬~"檔案 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\L8WJDDKX\MultiDistFC[1].CAB 已被 木馬 Win32/TrojanDownloader.Dyfica.X 感染。 此檔案無法刪除。強烈建議在您繼續之前備份任何重要的數據。"
咁我可唔可以唔將佢格式化,只係重安個window~如果重安過window會唔會無事 my computer also infected by 木馬 long time ago, but im still using my computer, is that alrite? 唔駛FORMAT咁大劑,呢個位置只係你個IE CACHE,你清咗個cache再掃應該唔會出嚟。
可能係你瀏覽緊嘅網頁有木馬。 depend on what kind of 木馬 you got. if you cannot del the file, like it said it is using by some software, get into safe mode, then you will able to del it. 不過有d木馬format機都清除唔到:(