NBA嚴管球星衣著 Hip-hop族噩夢【明報專訊】許多喜歡以hip-hop便服打扮的NBA球星將會遇到噩夢,因為NBA大會昨天正式宣布在11月1日實行服裝規定,以後出席公眾場合時球星們都要「官仔骨骨」穿著整齊西裝或球隊運動服。
新規定包括禁止球員在出席公眾活動時穿著無袖上衣、短褲和T恤,不准在衣服加上鐵鏈或金屬圖章、更嚴禁在室內戴上墨鏡或以耳筒聽音樂,在出席賽後記者會亦不能穿著球衣和戴上棒球帽等。對於這項服裝規定,太陽前鋒馬里安及拓荒者教練麥美倫都表示支持,前者認為可帶來新氣象,而麥美倫則認同球員應該表現專業,但木狼球星加納特則反對賽會不理氣溫冷暖的因素而規定球員穿西裝。 【明報專訊】NBA總裁史端日前表示球員上陣比賽或是參與公眾活動都須穿上整齊服裝,即是球衣、西裝或體育套裝,牛仔褲並不包括在內。不過,NBA球星一向慣自由,好像喜歡hip-hop服裝的76人球星艾佛遜自然強烈反對,當然,若他們願意出錢也可以照樣我行我素,就好像佐敦當年堅持穿著不同顏色的球鞋比賽而支付罰款一樣。 睇下出席d咩場合啦.........
可能d球員淨係識hip hop打扮
yo~~man~wt's up
[[i] Last edited by night on 2005-10-19 at 05:20 PM [/i]] 樓主好似打漏了資料,這規定應該係講
當年高文又獲其它牌子贊助,練習永遠又吾穿隊波既波衫。一早就放低一年總數目既罰款支票給球會。 personally think it makes sense
for the players are indeed "@ work"
(many jobs require uniforms anyway)
although i'll have to say that this act will take out some of the "character" of alot of players
yet i think that the nba wanna create a professional image
and some of the players really have TOO much *bling bling* on when they're on the sideline
and wearing headphones.....nah....
they just have to make sure that it's not some $$$ can solve
for many of the players are millionires
so can't let the sponsors use this as a promotional opp.
and rules are rules, if they wanna stay, then they'll have to obey, right???
just my humble opinion [quote]Originally posted by [i]iguana[/i] at 2005-10-19 19:17:
... [/quote]
哈哈。唔係我打漏,而係報紙同網站偏輯可能出錯 如果係出席NBA既官方活動及途中過程就絕對合理,我搞活動要參加嘅人著得莊重d有乜問題,但如果係出席公眾場合就一定唔得啦,去食麥記都要著西裝咩 The bottom line is that NBA is trying to please its "target" customer. Business is business so the employer has the ultimate decision, but this also highlight how pathetic the society is.
It is a fact that sport is a major part of American culture. And when athletes are forced to wear or not wear certain style of clothing, we know how open-minded the American really is towards individuality and multiculturalism. 2 words... "Who cAres????"
Will you stop watching NBA games if they wear shorts and tshirt to the stadium?
not to mention you probably won't see them in between hotel and stadium anyway. 球星反規管衣著指種族歧視
另一方面,亦有不少球星表示支持,勒邦占士亦認為球員應該尊重工作,而湖人教練積遜則形容過去5、6年許多球員穿著得像監犯一樣,所以非常歡迎新的服裝規定。 we'll see how gansta Inverson can look in a million-dollar suit.
Check out the nba logo himself: [quote]Originally posted by [i]ciger[/i] at 2005-10-20 03:42 PM:
如果係出席NBA既官方活動及途中過程就絕對合理,我搞活動要參加嘅人著得莊重d有乜問題,但如果係出席公眾場合就一定唔得啦,去食麥記都要著西裝咩 [/quote]
agree呀...咁d球員去私人活動都無衣著自由就唔合理 [quote]Originally posted by [i]skjeiw[/i] at 2005-10-20 04:32 AM:
agree呀...咁d球員去私人活動都無衣著自由就唔合理 [/quote]
they are not doing anything in their personal life
(although...most of the time that we see them...or all of the time that we see them they'll be in either suits or team uniforms)
Lebron said it
it is indeed a job
and alot of jobs require uniform
dont' see why can't them do it
of coz
if they go MacDonDon, they can wear whatever they wanna
or if kobe decided to "kobe" someone else again
he doesnt' have to wear suit 點著關佢鬼事咩~
就好似使唔使聚老婆都要佢批? [quote]Originally posted by [i]herothree[/i] at 2005-10-20 10:04 PM:
and alot of jobs require uniform
dont' see why can't them do it[/quote]
There are also alot of jobs that don't require uniform, and I don't see why they have to do it. Usually, the more valuable a person is, the less "irrelevant requirement" with which he has to comply. Look at MacDonald's workers, then look at Mark Cuban. It really comes down to if the employer would like the employees feel comfortable and do the best in what they do. You don't spend USD10,000 a month to hire someone and waste his energy by forcing him into uncomfortable clothing.
These NBA players are hired to perform, the NBA rules are adjusted to be entertaining as well as to promote individual style and flair, and even the refs give out "superstar treatment". After all these, it's very puzzling why the players have ot dress like a bunch of cohesive low-level business men.
Anyways, the player union didn't object the change in the newest CBA. So it is a really clever move by David Stern to slip it under the radar. 無論足球定籃球,d總會硬係攪好多野... David Stern + Blatter 足球同籃球的絕配。兩個都好亂黎。好保守的兩個人
"好鐘意AI講的說話"#“I think it’s wrong. You shouldn’t judge a person from what they wear.”