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jojizzle 發表於 2005-10-19 06:52 PM

Mum & Dad...How do you tell them?

I'm sure all couples want everyone to be happy for them but,
for all those whose parents are very "gun cheung" ...

How do you tell them you have a bf/gf?
Do you just not tell them?
or wait until you've finished studying until you tell them??

And, what if you tell them and they stop you from being with your partner? >.<"
Is it worth the risK?

What are you ppl's opinions?

Rika 發表於 2005-10-19 07:23 PM

First of all, do you understand Cantonese? If you do, I wanna write in Cantonese

入返正題先,你清唔清楚你 parents 點諗,佢地有無明示暗示話唔鐘意你求學時期拍拖?


jojizzle 發表於 2005-10-19 07:37 PM


好難知道拒地既反應 = 。 ="

Rika 發表於 2005-10-19 07:48 PM

我都明白,傳統觀念,女仔係會被男仔呃,但係,你幾多歲? 我覺得 20 歲之後,屋企人唔會太反對你拍拖,過左 21 歲,佢地仲可能驚你無拖拍添呀

jojizzle 發表於 2005-10-19 08:05 PM

我就黎18歲lu~ 我仲有3個禮拜就中學畢業喇﹐。

Rika 發表於 2005-10-19 08:15 PM

橫直你都忍瞞左咁耐,當然等埋畢業先同佢地講啦,18 歲,對你屋企人黎講,你都仲未應該拍拖住,我諗佢地會覺得,等你過左二十歲,大個D,識諗D,識得搵好男仔,咁先至好識下拍拖,中五畢業後有乜打算? 如果成績好,要升中六,你要保證你拍拖唔會影響到你學業,好難架

jojizzle 發表於 2005-10-19 08:30 PM

澳洲讀書比較relax。 我讀書成勣唔查架。

herothree 發表於 2005-10-20 02:43 AM

18 is a very very sensitive period

even more so becoz it's your last yr of highschool

it's normal for them to worri
especially u're at aust by yourself (are u???)
is the guy in aust or in hk???

the thing is you're not trying to BEAT your parents
by having good grades while u had a bf
grades are all for yourself
i und. one girl oversea and really want to have someone that would listen and takes care of you
(i'm pretty sure that your parents would have guessed anyway)

as the other bro said
wait til all grades are in and acceptance cin tell lor
nth to lose

a relationship that is exposed is alot more comfortable and the joy of sharing with your loving family abt having a GOOD bf, is priceless

good luck with that
and wish you well on school work


Rika 發表於 2005-10-20 02:20 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]jojizzle[/i] at 2005-10-19 08:30 PM:
我系澳洲讀書﹐畢業後如果有姿格就可... [/quote]
你響澳洲邊個 city 呀? 我識好多人都係響澳洲讀書

harvey22 發表於 2005-10-21 01:01 PM

good luck in your HSC, which hs you go to?

jojizzle 發表於 2005-10-24 03:52 PM

i'm in brisbane =)  In bris, HSC = QCS . That's already passed. hope i did well la~
Only 4 weeks of school left!!
I can't wait ><

Rika 發表於 2005-10-24 04:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]jojizzle[/i] at 2005-10-24 03:52 PM:
i'm in brisbane =)  In bris, HSC = QCS . That's already passed. hope i did well la~
Only 4 weeks of school left!!
I can't wait >< [/quote]
我都係仲有四個星期就唔洗返學,所以D功課煩到爆,之後又要 exam,就黎顛喇

[[i] Last edited by Rika on 2005-10-24 at 04:23 PM [/i]]

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