成龍講..... 真係映衰晒
只望淫龍個濕鳩佢快些pk,唔好再遺害人間。U!s+RWM2Y睇呢份短文章, 呢條白痴濕鳩真係映衰晒華人 !
好失望, 佢已經唔係80年代位令人自豪英雄, %H(rcq8`y#r
refer:x B(\ O@]6c
Martial arts actor JACKIE CHAN is urging western men to marry Shanghai women, to help spread Chinese culture and language around the world.
The RUSH HOUR star is disgusted by the global ignorance surrounding filter-074 issues, but hopes his campaign to lobby foreigners to wed Chinese women will improve the situation.F*A y[7t_R
He says, "We can encourage more foreigners to marry Shanghai ladies so their children will be able to speak Chinese.
"It will help spread Chinese culture far and wide,".U.Ero8w J*@|*wv
Yi$m(Y@| \'h:s
Chan is also fighting for Chinese-style sesame seed cake shops and teahouses to open next to McDonald's fast food restaurants and Starbucks coffee houses, to educate people about filter-074 food and drink.
15/06/2005 13:42 [/color]
3vo|cZB4E X)U:^
He is so fcuking dump, why doesnt he 'urges' foreign women to marry with Chinese men?h@,N Yi+}
he is such a fcuking idiot, shameless and insulting all Chinese people. rush hr 混帳...7@/Vd#gWDh ~
中國已經男多女少啦, 仲鼓勵老外同我地搶.. 成虫, 講得出呢番說話, 可見佢對國情不甚了解, 亦不見得比港人愛國 淫龍 is apiece of shit. MvtherFvcker.
He is a disgrace to Chinese people and I propose a boycott 淫龍 act.
When he has no news on the paper, he then say something fvcking stupid to get attention. Piece of Shit 淫龍 呢條死成蟲唔死都無用! 簡直混脹! 好彩我自從佢多了個女之後都無再睇佢d垃圾。 good