**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 一方面O'neal已走下波,另一方面又多左好多得分上既幫手。分數應會再次下調,加上佢上季常規賽得到季尾傷患的影響,今年吸引經驗之後應會盡可能更留力。所以分數據很大可能再降。。至於yao仍在進步當中,如果佢未到底,數據會有上升是理所當然的事情,能力佢係有,不過最有問題係狀態上,坦白講7尺5寸,佢係咁跳投邊有得防守架,如果狀態好得分會更上升,不過籃板就難D,一向都唔係小強人強項,要再有進步就真係睇佢係唔係如佢所言,以新風格視人啦。 奧尼爾始終經驗好d~
姚明短期都好難係整體上比得上 [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-10-30 23:09:
姚明短期都好難係整體上比得上 [/quote]
如果講整体球賽影響力就係既。。。。我林O'neal過多兩年都仲會係全世界最有影響力既中鋒。不過講到個人數據,一定會隨年齡同球隊中身份下降。Yao後生實會搏盡,唔通等老先黎搏咩?哈哈。所以如果Yao仲有發展空間,應該會再得到提升。 應該未得掛....
不過可能遲早既事 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-10-30 11:14 PM:
如果講整体球賽影響力就係既。。。... [/quote]
姚明係另一邊上升 Block 姚明點都追唔到 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-10-30 23:15:
姚明係另一邊上升 [/quote]
至於住後究竟係唔係由yao取替世界第一中鋒美譽,就仲係未知之數,始終亞洲人体質總係蝕底D,上到最高都唔知可以威到幾耐。。不過依家襯住小斯有傷患,加上其他中鋒又未見突出,姚明會係最佳人選。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]Chenjinnan[/i] at 2005-10-30 23:18:
Block 姚明點都追唔到 [/quote]
唔知點解。亞洲球員既封波水平係差D,永遠同身高唔成正比。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-10-30 11:23 PM:
呢個係一個自然法則。。奧尼爾實會... [/quote]
世界...要下d苦功啦 [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-10-30 23:25:
世界...要下d苦功啦 [/quote]
亞洲第一,佢做緊架喎。:lol: [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-10-30 11:27 PM:
亞洲第一,佢做緊架喎。:lol: [/quote]
所以咪話佢ok囉!:D **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-10-30 23:35:
某程度來講,是證明中鋒發展既衰落... [/quote]
aR~講得好喎。。:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-10-30 11:35 PM:
某程度來講,是證明中鋒發展既衰落... [/quote]
事就係中鋒發展根本就係已經衰落 姚明跟本跳唔高, 你睇佢上年俾史韋夫特封到, 又俾佢o係頭頂雙手入樽就知啦 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-10-30 11:24 PM:
唔知點解。亞洲球員既封波水平係差D,永遠同身高唔成正比。 [/quote]
because blocking is depend on explosive force of jump
(i mean in NBA. Of course height is also important, but I want to compare Yao with other forwards and centers)
you can see how yao defense,
when someone is lay-up in front of yao
yao could only jump upward, because Yao can't even jump high and powerful.
And then they will be body contact before yao touches the ball
Finally, yao gets only fouls when he tries to block or defense lay-up
If you see Duncon or KG blocking, they always jump after they see (or I should say feel and know) their opponents jump
and they always jump to the side of the opponents but not the front (they could do it because they have explosive force)
therefore, they don't get as many as fouls of Yao in defense
also, they can stay in the air longer than Yao so they have bigger possibilities to block
In my opinion,
Yao is only good in offense but not defense
if he can't make himself to jump better (higher, quicker, and more powerful)
he only gets more fouls even though he improve his skills.
and this year, Yao can't be better than O'neal in statistic
because his defense is worse than O'neal too much (I don't think he can improve that much in summer)
also, his offense is not better than O'neal
Only shooting must be better than O'neal
what I hope is that Yao can get more rebounds than O'neal this season [quote]Originally posted by [i]F.king[/i] at 2005-10-31 06:36:
because blocking is depend on e... [/quote]