buddhistwan 發表於 2005-11-12 07:42 AM
[color=Red][b]Philadelphia 76ers 5 points[/b][/color]
wer 發表於 2005-11-12 08:47 AM
[color=Red]76人 2分[/color]
wer 發表於 2005-11-12 09:43 AM
now 76ers 27:25 lakers
Xtravagant 發表於 2005-11-12 10:01 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]wer[/i] at 2005-11-12 09:43 AM:
now 76ers 27:25 lakers [/quote]
Kobe FG 1-10 (---.---")
My heart will g 發表於 2005-11-12 11:27 AM
lost Q jor....damn!!!
hate kobe ! ha
My heart will g 發表於 2005-11-12 11:28 AM
kobe FG 5-24
omg....ball hawker!!!
My heart will g 發表於 2005-11-12 11:33 AM
holy...kobe good...make 4 pt straight to tie the game in last mintue..haha:P
My heart will g 發表於 2005-11-12 11:35 AM
LA losing 2 pt...22 second left...would kobe do it again?
My heart will g 發表於 2005-11-12 11:37 AM
7 second left.....ai..no hope==
My heart will g 發表於 2005-11-12 11:39 AM
Laker 81-85 76ers@!!!!
lost 5 pt...ai....
Chenjinnan 發表於 2005-11-12 11:43 AM
Kobe 7-27...
hkcitywong 發表於 2005-11-12 11:47 AM
[color=Red]Philadelphia76 3pts[/color]
nashisthebestpg 發表於 2005-11-12 01:00 PM
shaqkobe 發表於 2005-11-12 02:27 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Chenjinnan[/i] at 2005-11-12 11:43:
Kobe 7-27... [/quote]
shaqkobe 發表於 2005-11-12 02:32 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]nashisthebestpg[/i] at 2005-11-12 01:38:
作客仲要湖人讓分..... [/quote]
shaqkobe 發表於 2005-11-12 02:33 PM