what did you hit him/her with? your sperm? or your fist? what does that have to do with the topic??? 我今朝打了一個同學[/quote]
what did you hit him/her with? your sperm? or your fist? what does that have to do with the topic??? 打「飛機」的對象ma, 四次左右 Can the term be "Shoot Penis"?? [quote][quotefrom="Stan@Cysss"]Can the term be "Shoot Penis"??[/quote]
No. But you can say "choking the chicken". 14times 平均10次以上啦~
小弟4次 呀~仲有呀~~有冇問過d fd 打唔打友誼波??
i mean ask for sex with fd 5 or more 6 6-7la 一日一次. 太多'賓焦' 會痛ga. 打得多有冇影響?????? [quote]Originally posted by [i]pk---[/i] at 2005-3-13 08:48 PM:
打得多有冇影響?????? [/quote]
一日一次唔係問題 一星期六次...星期日休息!XDD none ne~