娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

coolala2005 發表於 2006-1-22 11:00 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-1-22 22:56:

冇你份:cool: [/quote]


清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:02 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]coolala2005[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:00:

我唔制~~~我唔制~~~我唔制~~~:o [/quote]

coolala2005 發表於 2006-1-22 11:02 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-1-22 22:56:

佢哋兩個係兩種唔同嘅....點可能攞嚟比~~~~ [/quote]


清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]coolala2005[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:02:

國際專業選美委員會會長貓貓出手~~~:cool: [/quote]

coolala2005 發表於 2006-1-22 11:09 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:07:

woooooo~:lol: [/quote]


清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]coolala2005[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:09:

講~~~煮乜~~~:D [/quote]

abc123bcd 發表於 2006-1-22 11:14 PM


清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:17 PM


ckyckk 發表於 2006-1-22 11:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-1-22 11:12 PM:

[color=Red]西米路[/color]溝"之麻胡":cool: [/quote]

gergermen 發表於 2006-1-22 11:18 PM


abc123bcd 發表於 2006-1-22 11:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-1-22 11:17 PM:
[size=50][color=Red]Liverpool!!![/color][color=Red]Liverpool!!![/color][color=Red]Liverpool!!![/color][/size] [/quote]

清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:17:

西米露:lol::lol: [/quote]

清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:20 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123bcd[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:19:

[size=99][color=Red][b]曼聯!!!曼聯!!!曼聯!!![/b][/color][/size] [/quote]
[size=50][b][color=Red]Liverpool!!!Liverpool!!!Liverpool!!! [/color][/b][/size]

abc123bcd 發表於 2006-1-22 11:21 PM

[color=Red][b][size=99]United Rule

see I will, always,
love the reds so much.
we are the team nobody else can touch,
United, I love them,
they’re the only team I like,
the other ones are shit,
and now I'm gonna tell you how I feel.

fu*k Peter Kenyon and Abromavich,
fu*k you Mourinho you son of a Bitch,
fu*k Kevin Keegan, and fu*k Franny Lee,
fu*k Steve McManaman and fu*k Man City,
fu*k Leeds Utd you're down and you're gay,
fu*k Norman Hunter and fu*k Eddie Gray,
fu*k Everton and fu*k you Liverpool,
fu*k all you Scousers,
cause Manchester rules.

Ronaldo, Van Nistelrooy,
play for the baddest team,
with Ferdinand and super Roy Keane,
Silvestre, and Ryan Giggs,
and we’ll never let the badge,
dressed in red, white and black,
we don't give a damn about no one else.

fu*k Peter Kenyon and Abromavich,
fu*k you Mourinho you son of a bitch,
fu*k Kevin Keegan, and fu*k Franny Lee
fu*k Steve McManaman and fu*k Man City,
fu*k Arsene Wenger and fu*k Arsenal too,
fu*k all the cockneys, we --- hate you,
fu*k Everton and fu*k you Liverpool,
fu*k all you Scousers,
cause manchester rules.

rule rule United, rule rule United,
rule rule United, rule rule United.

now I hate the Scousers,
and I hate Liverpool,
they're --- shit,
and United rule,
and Chelsea, who do U think you are?
it's been fifty long years, and it's gonna end in tears,
you're never gonna be as big as Man United.

fu*k Barcelona and fu*k Real Madrid,
I've loved United since I was a kid,
fu*k Bayern Munich and AC Milan,
fu*k Deportivo and Vasco Da Gama,
fu*k Kevin Keegan, and fu*k Franny Lee
fu*k Steve McManaman and fu*k Man City,
fu*k Everton and fu*k you Liverpool,
fu*k all you Scousers,
Couse Manchester rules.

rule rule United, rule rule United,
rule rule United, rule rule United,
rule rule United, rule rule United,
rule rule United. rule.[/size][/color][/b]

abc123bcd 發表於 2006-1-22 11:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-1-22 11:20 PM:

[size=50][b][color=Red]Liverpool!!!Liverpool!!!Liverpool!!! [/color][/b][/size] [/quote]
[size=99][b]sorry !![/b][/size]:(

BOYDWAN 發表於 2006-1-22 11:25 PM


kakeidevil 發表於 2006-1-22 11:25 PM


清揚 發表於 2006-1-22 11:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123bcd[/i] at 2006-1-22 23:21:
[color=Red][b][size=99]United Rule ... [/quote]

abc123bcd 發表於 2006-1-22 11:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-1-22 11:25 PM:
大家好~:cool: [/quote]
[size=99][color=Red][b]曼聯sure win!!!曼聯sure win!!!曼聯sure win!!![/b][/color][/size]

abc123bcd 發表於 2006-1-22 11:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-1-22 11:26 PM:

[size=50][b][color=Navy]凸-_-凸[/color][/b][/size] [/quote]
[size=99][color=Red][b]曼聯sure win!!!曼聯sure win!!!曼聯sure win!!![/b][/color][/size]

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