德球証黑哨判監兩年五個月 18 November, 2005 11:07 +0800承認收取賄款控制戰果的球証賀沙被判入獄兩年五個月。
他己被德足總判罰終身禁止執法,另一名球証馬克斯則獲18 個月的緩刑。
這是德國歷來最大的假波案,而事件中行賄的沙賓拿亦遭檢控,結果判處監禁2 年 11 個月。 其實國際足協同各地足協成日話 [size=4]fair[/size] , 但成日都有黑哨 , 大陸有德國有巴西有意大利都有 , 難道真係唔可以嗎 ............其實足球係一種運動較量 , 技不如人咪輸下囉 , 唔輸點會 win 又點會惜同享受贏呢 ???? 搞到足球o甘鬼商業化 , 唉 !!!!!!!!!!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]CHECSS[/i] at 2005-11-18 01:55 PM:
其實國際足協同各地足協成日話 [size=... [/quote]
As I know current soccer referee are not full time job, and they does not have the good salery they deserve to have for the important matches.
Corruption easily happens when Power is not proportional to their Money Made.
So I think a way to reduce their corruption is to change it to full time job, give them good salery and monitor their daily life. I think referee is just like judge, very similar in nature. 有利益關係既事情, 自會有黑色地帶
因為冇人想捱窮, 尤其果d捱過窮既人
係一堆一堆既錢 真係大快人心。