加 前 防 長 言 之 鑿 鑿 外 星 人 曾 到 過 地 球
**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 美國這個搞屎棍~~~我都擔心會搞大嘢來。 老老實實~打美國佬好啦~我連咩叫計數機都唔知,唔關我事架^^ bull shit~&b9G7iGi dun believe that 地球有人..我相信外星都有人 no need to be afraid. think about this: if 'they' have such a high technology level, they must be with wisdom. it is no need for them to invade us through weapon.
ufo visited us? it is just like we like to watch animals in the zoo. [quote]Originally posted by [i]anttiniemi2000[/i] at 2005-12-1 11:31 PM:
no need to be afraid. think about ... [/quote]
[color=Blue]ufo visited us? it is just like we like to watch animals in the zoo.[/color]
haha, you are so funny~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]austin666[/i] at 2005-11-29 12:00 PM:;h0@P(G-}-t"nKm
唔使佢講大把人都知L KW \&}h:F(N){)xU
外星人黎過地球... [/quote]3fc#Ny?)Us
austin 兄, 月背果壇野係關於 d 咩ga?