小 牛 欲 以 史 達 侯 斯 換 艾 迪 斯... [/quote]
小牛同帝皇都真係想換。。不過溜馬就無興趣。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]藍[/i] at 2005-12-15 01:39:
大家話rocket有無可能用多人換佢返黎... [/quote]
溜馬唔會咁傻。。要個Swift返黎都無用,因為佢都唔勁剩係得個彈跳力,溜馬內線已經有J.O'neal+A. Croshere+Foster+ Pollard………算係唔差,就算溜馬要加強內線都會揀個高大既中鋒,唔會揀個得6呎9既Swift返黎打大前鋒。。。
如果溜馬真係肯,Artest都唔會想,佢想做進攻主導,去到火箭有T-mac仲有Yao,佢既防守先係火箭最需要既,不過佢就係唔想做無名英雄。。。。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-12-15 01:46 PM:
溜馬唔會咁傻。。要個Swift返黎都無... [/quote]
甘又係,不過rocket就算換都應該吾會換走swift,事關地中海都幾鍾意佢,我覺得rocket宜家最有可能換係換走哂d老人家,你睇近呢2場,佢比多左好多機會d後生仔 溜馬真係換邊個番黎都唔著數,
唯一好處就係送走個毒瘤~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]藍[/i] at 2005-12-15 15:22:
甘又係,不過rocket就算換都應該吾... [/quote]
我就持相反態度。班老人家當然會換,不過Swift都一樣可能被換走。。一來佢既作用唔大,二來眾多可以交易既球員裡面,佢已經算係最有同其他球隊討價還價既本錢。。我覺得雲根迪本來就真係好睇重佢,點知佢D籃板咁唔掂,得分又唔穩地,失去左細雲對佢既信任,失去正選位置。如果唔係球隊成績略有好轉,相信佢好大機會被換走。。始終班老鬼無乜人會要。。價值唔高。 [color=Red]INDIANAPOLIS -- Ron Artest doesn't want to be traded by the Indiana Pacers after all, his agent says.
Artest said last weekend that his past in Indiana haunts him, and he is interested in being traded to the New York Knicks or Cleveland Cavaliers.
But Mark Stevens, Artest's agent, told The Associated Press on Saturday that Artest holds out hope he can remain with the Pacers.
"At this moment, we're not going to put the buggy before the horse," Stevens said. "We're waiting to hear from [Pacers president] Donnie Walsh, the gentleman and scholar that he is, and hope this can be resolved to where there won't have to be a trade."
Teammate Stephen Jackson said Artest called him Friday night, and hopes his teammate will return.
"He wants to play basketball, that's all he wants to do," Jackson said before the Pacers played the New York Knicks. "He wants to play basketball, he wants to win.
"I think he wants to play basketball with us. He loves his teammates, he has no problems with his teammates."
It might be too late. ESPN.com's Chris Sheridan reported Friday that Walsh is "encouraged" by the quality of the offers he has received for Artest, including what he said were at least two proposals involving All-Star caliber players.
Without being specific about any of the 12-15 offers he said he had received, Walsh told ESPN.com he had heard from 20 teams, some of which merely called to ask what Walsh was looking for. Walsh said he was planning to get back to three of those teams to make specific requests.
"I've talked to a lot of teams, filter-004ed myriad types of offers. Some are player for player, some involve first-round draft picks, some involve savings, some involve a combination of those things," Walsh said. "I'm encouraged by some of the things we were offered."
He would not set a timetable for trading Artest, though he did concede: "I'd like to get it behind us, but I don't feel any [time] pressure to do it. I'd like to winnow it down to two or three deals I'd like to do."
Artest triggered a brawl with Detroit Pistons fans in November 2004 and was suspended for 73 games and the playoffs. Walsh said the latest incident was "the last straw of a lot of issues."
Jackson also was suspended for the brawl.
"I almost lost my job for him last year, so that's my friend," Jackson said. "So I respect his decision, whatever he feels, he feels."
Stevens said Walsh told him he is prepared to make Artest inactive with pay for the rest of the season if he can't find a suitable trade.
"I understand the frustration as a general manager, dealing with the past incidents with Ron, and I can understand if he sees fit to do that," Stevens said.
The NBA fined Artest $10,000 Thursday for making public statements detrimental to the NBA.
Artest was a key component on a team expected to challenge for the Eastern Conference crown. He leads the league in steals and is the Pacers' second-leading scorer at 19.4 points a game.
He said he was unhappy playing in coach Rick Carlisle's system. Carlisle said any decision regarding Artest's return would be left up to Walsh and Larry Bird.
"Right now, this is a franchise decision and fortunately for us it's in the hands of Donnie Walsh and Larry Bird, who are two of the best basketball people that there's ever been in this league," Carlisle said. "So they'll decide which is the best way to go.
"We built an entire system around him and Jermaine O'Neal and I'm disappointed because I've been one of his biggest supporters. But this situation has gotten to where it is."
[color=LimeGreen]Ron Artest 玩野ma???[/color]
[[i] Last edited by nashisthebestpg on 2005-12-18 at 06:50 PM [/i]] 可能講掂數~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]skjeiw[/i] at 2005-12-18 19:05:
可能講掂數~~ [/quote]
其實我一路都覺得佢地雙方面係度拋浪頭。。事實上呢單野對雙方都毫無好處。。 咁鬼串...真係早走早著 [quote]Originally posted by [i]capicapi[/i] at 2005-12-19 19:00:
咁鬼串...真係早走早著 [/quote]
有Artest既溜馬先至可以有機會染指總冠軍。。。因為去到季後賽,Artest就變得更加重要。能否限制其他球隊既得分主力就靠佢。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-12-16 12:14 PM:
我就持相反態度。班老人家當然會換... [/quote]