費爾在對祖雲達斯之戰的末段,與對方前鋒薩拉耶達一次碰撞中拉傷膝部十字韌帶,他將於幾天內決定是否接受手術治療。 Jan 12 Francis has been [color=Red]suspended indefinitely[/color] by the Magic for conduct detrimental to the team, reports the Team's Official Website.
Grant Hill out 7-10 days with abdominal injury
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Grant Hill will be sidelined 7-10 days because of continued abdominal pain, the Orlando Magic said Wednesday.Hill missed the first 19 games of the season after sports hernia surgery. He sat out five of the last seven games with abdominal pain. He traveled to Philadelphia on Tuesday to be evaluated.
"He just has a lot of pain in that abdominal area, and we're just trying to get to the bottom of it," coach Brian Hill said.
He scored 18 points in Sunday's loss at Sacramento, but was in visible pain after the game.
Hill had his best season with the Magic last year, finally healed from an ankle injury that kept him off the court most of the previous four seasons. He averaged 19.7 points, shot a career-best 50 percent and was an All-Star for the sixth time.
He averaged 16.8 points in 11 games this season.
[[i] Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-19 at 03:25 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-1-13 15:43:
Jan 12 Francis has been [color=Red]suspended indefinitely[/color] by the Magic for conduct detrimental to the team, reports the Team's Official Website.
發生左咩事? [/quote]
佢拒絕係垃圾時間上場丫麻。。 星仔好似傷完..
[[i] Last edited by babo on 2006-1-19 at 08:54 PM [/i]] 車路士:阿巴莫域治親子樂弄傷膝頭。要動手術,睇怕短期內都不能為車路士正選球員在場邊打氣了。哈! [quote]Originally posted by [i]Kian76[/i] at 05 11 09 01:50 PM:
車路士:阿巴莫域治親子樂弄傷膝頭。要動手術,睇怕短期內都不能為車路士正選球員在場邊打氣了。哈! [/quote]
2006-01-20 13:30:03 體壇周報
記者克韓報道 車路士老板阿布最近在和孩子踢球時弄傷了膝蓋,《太陽報》因此刊出了一幅漫畫──醫生對躺在病榻的阿布說:“你的膝蓋情況糟糕,阿布先生。”俄羅斯首富雙手枕在腦後好整以暇指揮醫生[color=Red]:“別光站在那里,出去給我買一個新膝蓋!”……[/color]或許醫生應該回答:“先生,膝蓋沒得賣,就像你也買不到神童沃爾科特一樣。”
哈~~~好鬼好笑~~:lol: 希爾(魔術):這位近幾個賽季有名的“玻璃人”由於最近持續的腹部疼痛,將缺席未來7-10天的球隊比賽 1月 26日 星期四 14:04 更新
路透芝加哥電---印第安那步行者(溜馬)在其網站宣布,陣中全明星前鋒杰邁因奧尼爾(謝美奧尼爾,Jermaine O'Neal)遭遇腹股溝和肩部傷勢。
「(杰邁因)感到腹股溝有撕裂感,去年受過傷的肩部也有扭傷的感覺,」步行者主帥卡萊爾(卡里斯利,Rick Carlisle)周二賽後向記者們表示。
--翻譯 王燕昆;審校 李婷儀
[nL25555841] [quote]Originally posted by [i]wer[/i] at 2006-1-26 05:21 PM:
1月 26日 星期四 14:04 更新
NBA-步... [/quote]
溜馬真係黑到爆......... [quote]Originally posted by [i]nashisthebestpg[/i] at 2006-1-26 09:05 PM:
溜馬真係黑到爆......... [/quote]
Jermaine O'Neal 至少需要休息8周.........
溜馬真係黑到無得再黑......... Odom的右肋骨的軟骨受傷,還有脖子也扭傷.........
無人用啦,那george........... [quote]Originally posted by [i]nashisthebestpg[/i] at 2006-2-4 12:16 PM:
無人用啦,那george........... [/quote]
Sprained Rib :(
我個 league o既 odom, marbury, brad miller, hughes 都傷 :( 奧多姆(湖人):這位湖人的二當家在周四的比賽中撞傷了肋骨,他也因此在昨天缺席了自己本賽季的第一場比賽。而據美聯社的報道稱,奧多姆的傷勢比預想的要嚴重的多,他將至少休戰至全明星周末結束之後。奧多姆的受傷,無疑將給科比的肩上增添更多的壓力。湖人目前已經遭遇了兩連敗。
:cry: 幾時明星賽? [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-2-6 01:16 AM:
幾時明星賽? [/quote]
hk time is 20th February~ 有冇人知hughes幾時復出呀?
Feb 13 [color=Red]Hughes will have surgery for the second time in six weeks on his broken right middle finger.[/color] The Cleveland Cavaliers' guard is out indefinitely. Hughes signed a five-year, $60 million contract in the offseason and has been out since first missing the Cavs' Jan. 4 game against the Milwaukee Bucks.
Advice: Hughes, Cleveland's second-leading scorer at 16.2 points and 3.9 assists in 28 games this season, was supposed to miss 6-8 weeks after initially having Jan. 6 surgery. Doctors reportedly concluded last week that his recovery was behind schedule. The Cavs are 11-11 in his absence.
in six weeks 點解呀? :haha: 蘇斯克查其实伤好未,点解伤病名单上没有他,替补有没?有没人可以帮小弟解答下? [quote]Originally posted by [i]kaixinren[/i] at 2006-2-16 10:07 PM:
蘇斯克查其实伤好未,点解伤病名单上没有他,替补有没?有没人可以帮小弟解答下? [/quote]
應該係o係預備組谷緊狀態~ :) [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-2-14 11:59:
Feb 13 [... [/quote]
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