處女重要 ma?
Don't understand why people only would care if his Gf are 處女 or not, never heard of any people would consider is that boy are 處 or not, i mean they are basically the same thing...People doesn't match each other so they break up, then is 處女 really that big deal?
I mean is that mean that, once you have sex with that person then you should stay with him or she forever?, and boys please now think more clearly about 處女 or not 處女, if you really think 處女is that important, then please do not dump any girl in your life, once you have sex with her ..
Last thing is if 處女is 重要 then i think virginaty for guy are same important too, please don;t have sex with any girl be4 you marry then...
For personal opion, people who always focus on 處女 are just people who aim for sex but not for love... I do agree on what you saying in terms of there is no absolute "Fair and equality", but however, Why only boys got the right to ask or requies for a virgin girl, in the other hand, Mean virgin girl always have to be more pure or even better that a non-virgin?
Can anybody explain the perspective of pure ? is that mean a girl who had sex must but see as a second choice for life?
I do agree on people might "prefer" to have a virgin GF, but what i mean is, why do people have to judge girls or indentify girls with virgin or not virgin to show her purity?
Moreover, it is true that guys are the active one who take action so then that, why would people blame on the girls about that they are non- virgin...
>>>>通常都要有上進心, 夠穩重, 最好smart過自己等等
The different is, those things is the involvement of personality, not like virginality, that virginality have nothing to do with personality, and also viriginality is something already been done that things could not be change... but 通常都要有上進心, 夠穩重, this is all about the personality of a MAN...
Girls judge guys from the personality, but guys judge with body??
so what it show is GUYS going for "sex" more than Love...
The reason i am writting all this SHIX, is because this days in EF, there is more and more Guys looking down women like that...
I really don;t agree that guys always feel themselves have better right to judge girls like that, they don;t even know how to respect love or even respect women, please before you guys make anymore judgement on girls, do say something mroe make sense, stop going around with the topic "Virgin"...
No matter you ppl agree or not, Weather Virgin or non- virgin, doesn;t effect how pure the girl is... Mostly could say , you guys have responsiblities...
In the same way, Drug seller have no right to judge Drug user...
[[i] Last edited by artta on 2006-1-4 at 01:07 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]artta[/i] at 2006-1-4 01:00:
I do agree on what you saying in terms of there is no absolute "Fair and equality", but however, Why only boys got the right to ask or requies for a virgin girl, in the other hand, Mean virgin girl always have to be more pure or even better that a non-virgin?
Can anybody explain the perspective of pure ? is that mean a girl who had sex must but see as a second choice for life?
I do agree on people might "prefer" to have a virgin GF, but what i mean is, why do people have to judge girls or indentify girls with virgin or not virgin to show her purity?
Moreover, it is true that guys are the active one who take action so then that, why would people blame on the girls about that they are non- virgin...
>>>>通常都要有上進心, 夠穩重, 最好smart過自己等等
The different is, those things is the involvement of personality, not like virginality, that virginality have nothing to do with personality, and also viriginality is something already been done that things could not be change... but 通常都要有上進心, 夠穩重, this is all about the personality of a MAN...
Girls judge guys from the personality, but guys judge with body??
so what it show is GUYS going for "sex" more than Love...
The reason i am writting all this SHIX, is because this days in EF, there is more and more Guys looking down women like that...
I really don;t agree that guys always feel themselves have better right to judge girls like that, they don;t even know how to respect love or even respect women, please before you guys make anymore judgement on girls, do say something mroe make sense, stop going around with the topic "Virgin"...
No matter you ppl agree or not, Weather Virgin or non- virgin, doesn;t effect how pure the girl is... Mostly could say , you guys have responsiblities...
In the same way, Drug seller have no right to judge Drug user...
>>Why only boys got the right to ask or requies for a virgin girl, in the other hand, Mean virgin girl always have to be more pure or even better that a non-virgin?
大佬 / 大姐呀, 依家呢個社會無人用枝槍指住d女仔唔係處就要做尼姑
同樣個班只想自己條女係處既人, 一樣有權去選擇自己既伴侶
咁我問你啦, 憑乜野你覺得non-virgin 會「pure」過 virgin先?
咁如果係處, 直d講句衰極都叫未插過呀, 係咪?!!
梗莫講岩岩新相識個種啦, 下化?!!
>>Can anybody explain the perspective of pure ? is that mean a girl who had sex must but see as a second choice for life?
>>I do agree on people might "prefer" to have a virgin GF, but what i mean is, why do people have to judge girls or indentify girls with virgin or not virgin to show her purity?
>>Moreover, it is true that guys are the active one who take action so then that, why would people blame on the girls about that they are non- virgin...
>>The different is, those things is the involvement of personality, not like virginality, that virginality have nothing to do with personality, and also viriginality is something already been done that things could not be change... but 通常都要有上進心, 夠穩重, this is all about the personality of a MAN...
Girls judge guys from the personality, but guys judge with body??
so what it show is GUYS going for "sex" more than Love...
男仔睇女仔「外表」就叫naive (你無咁講不過都差唔多意思架啦, right?!!)
大姐大大呀, 知唔知乜野叫各取所需呀
有人鍾意生活安定, 鍾意唔駛煩日後生活先有資格去「愛」
咁又叫做「true love」啦喎?!!
你有, 我有, 大家都有
>>The reason i am writting all this SHIX, is because this days in EF, there is more and more Guys looking down women like that...
I really don;t agree that guys always feel themselves have better right to judge girls like that, they don;t even know how to respect love or even respect women, please before you guys make anymore judgement on girls, do say something mroe make sense, stop going around with the topic "Virgin"...
你係一個女仔壇, 會睇到好多怨婦係到吊班男人
你入去一個男性壇, 會睇到好多女人性感相, even AV相, 好多性topic
但唔代表EF多人係咁講班女, 就代表「全部男人」都係咁樣
「make sense」與否「唔」係用general rule to apply on individual case
>>No matter you ppl agree or not, Weather Virgin or non- virgin, doesn;t effect how pure the girl is... Mostly could say , you guys have responsiblities...
In the same way, Drug seller have no right to judge Drug user...
呵呵....你講埋個point「Drug seller have no right to judge Drug user」
女仔著mini-skirt出街, 明星打個胸俾你睇, 刻意走光等等
唔係都係為左show-off, 吸引男仔目光?!!
如果連呢d都睇唔開, 點過人世?
如果女仔覺得唔通, 咁咪去做囉
又無話唔俾一個有性經驗既女仔嫁一個處男, right?
而唔係由人地把口去代你選擇~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]artta[/i] at 2006-1-3 11:35 PM:
Don't understand why people only wo... [/quote]
樂生都應該解答晒你所有問題,唔好太執著喇 自古幾多戰爭、家庭慘案都關處女事,何以不重要?!;) 對男仔黎講,唔係太重要.
但對女仔黎講係好重要,重好寶貴tim... I think there is some mis leading under this topic...
I am trying to convince people not to emphsis the Important of "Virgin"
The main idea from me is to try to tell GUYS to respeat lady on the first point...
Secondly, is to question about GUYS judgement on girls ::::: " Why the hell they always talk about "Virgin""?, I totally agree on people would have their own requirement on others, but is it more possible to pick girls with their personality but less focusing on the word "Virgin"? , i am not picking or focusing on any of you guys...
Just feel sad about how guys always talks about virgin or non-virgin, cause it seems like virgin represented all...
樂壇渣Fit人 not trying to argue with you, please understand...
The reason i wrote all this, is becuase of one of the post from before, forgot from which page, but it is about how lady have no right to bargin with guys, because they are not virgin...
Lastly, Please understand that " no matter virgin or not, please judge people deeply inside, try when you see girls, not firstly thought or sex"...
Thank you 小弟英文唔好~
愛係冇眼kar~ KKBoy , totally agree with you... 樂兄以上所講o既o野勁有Point!
呢個世界應該係講自由o既, 每個人都有屬於自己o既擇偶條件.
我其實係幾在意自己條女係咪處o架, 但我唔覺得自己有乜o野問題囉, 因為呢D係我o既自由, 關其他人咩事?
處女唔一定係好女仔, 好女仔唔一定係處女 [quote]Originally posted by [i]siredes[/i] at 2006-1-7 10:14 AM:
呢個... [/quote]
I agree ...
處女唔一定係好女仔, 好女仔唔一定係處女