A. Kirilenko 勁!
14 pts, 8 reb, 9 ast, 6 stl, 7 blocks... (only 1 TO)是本季最接近五門齊的表現! sure....too good stat...
how can he make it 我頭先睇到都好想出個post...真係超勁....保持到的話直頭係神人...
我想問吓究竟有無人試過五門齊呢... 好似真係冇... he is good but only problem he has is always injure...He still young to the NBA still have time to develpod as a super star if he doesn't injure a lot. King of injure prone - Grant Hill 俄佬不嬲都勁架啦!! 唔知大家知唔知,佢係nba中唯一做出過5x5這個數字的球員,這次是他的第三次
[[i] Last edited by 阿感 on 2006-1-4 at 06:36 PM [/i]] AK上兩次做出5X5的資料:
Registered two 5X5’s on the season (recording five in each of the positive categories), scoring [color=Blue]10 points, 12 rebounds, 6 assists, 6 steals and 5 blocks [/color]vs. New York on December 10, 2003 and had [color=Purple]19 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 8 steals and 5 blocks[/color] at Houston on December 3, 2003
唔好講五雙,單是5X5這個數字經己很難做出,試想想:得分,籃板,助功要得到五次/分不難,但偷波同封波要做出五次己經很難,要同時做出就難上加難,因為偷波同封波係好唔同性質O既野,一般能夠做出五次封波O既球員,根本沒有可能做出五次偷波;所以,我夠胆講句:"AK係NBA最全面O既球員" 不過事實上佢今年既表現差左好多。可能係季初未打得起,而且有傷患影響。。今季不少賽事也是表現平平。 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2006-1-4 07:26 PM:
nba話就話興全能戰士,但只紅了KG、挪威司機等 "五不像" ......唉~ [/quote]
挪威司機的防守...... 睇睇,NBA單場五項全能紀錄一覽~
[[i] Last edited by shaqkobe on 2006-1-4 at 11:57 PM [/i]] 我都可以有 4x5
pts, stl, ast, reb(應該得)
不過5個blk真係好難~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]nashisthebestpg[/i] at 2006-1-4 09:20 PM:
[url]http://mag.udn.com/mag/sports/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=25534[/url] [/quote]
[IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b178/kommzumir/snapshot20060104214649.jpg[/IMG] Andrei Kirilenko輝煌表現
2001年加盟爵士隊,平均每場出場時間26.5分鐘,得分12.8,籃板7.0 太陽個馬里安亦係四項全能戰士
另外韋伯亦都有試過五項突出統計 [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-1-4 21:25:
我都可以有 4x5
pts, stl, ast, reb(應該得)
不過5個blk真係好難~ [/quote]
個人認為5個偷波隨時難過5個封波。。。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2006-1-4 11:53 PM:
個人認為5個偷波隨時難過5個封波。。。 [/quote]
偷波有時都係因為人地 turnover, 但blk就要睇準人地出手, 睇岩時間起跳, 難好多架 :o
blk 唔倒隨時變 foul [quote]Originally posted by [i]nashisthebestpg[/i] at 2006-1-4 21:20:
[[i] Last edited by shaqkobe on 2006-1-4 at 11:57 PM [/i]] [/quote]