New York Knicks 5連勝~ 球隊是否已上軌道呢?
今日OT win埋 小牛 5連勝~ (頭3節都領先, 跟住唔知做咩係咁被小牛追分打OT.)下場對大鷹, 有機再下一城 :)
我覺得布朗宜家定落0黎個正選陣容好似怪怪地, 可能0岩返佢d戰術la ...
NY宜家追下追下 戰績都唔係太難睇~ 大家覺得今年有冇機入playoff?
最後送個 "馬貝利經典mix短片" 俾大家~ ;)
[[i] Last edited by godsonno on 2006-1-12 at 01:25 PM [/i]] they can catch up for in East.. I am not surprised that they will goto Playoffs this year.
This team is really young, so that's why they could play really bad in 4th qu.
(for example, they may get 2 or 3 really bad turnovers when they are losing 2 in final 2 mins, then lost the game by 6 or 7, or what's happened when they were playing Mavs today)
Larry Brown is managing this team really well
Don't you see there is a big different between Knicks 05 and Knicks 04.
They get players on the floor, they play really hard... never play "lazy" basketball!
That's why Larry Brown put 3 rookies in their starting lineup 之前狠批過L.Brown唔識合教NYK~~
ps:不過作為一個NYK fan屎,見到零六不敗真係好開心~ **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 依家先打返好D...都好既, 布郎個心都定D