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Speakers set

我知道個amp output 大過speakers output會燒機,但一般amp大過speakers 多少% 就會燒?
未必會燒架播﹐你要留意究竟你係睇緊 RMS(root mean square) Power 定係Maximum Power 先﹖

D廠商好多時賣廣告都賣 maximum power, 但實況長期輸出既 power 都係響 RMS 個 power rating 度數﹐通常 RMS 高D音質就會清D少D雜聲(但非必然)﹐maximum power其實係廢料﹐主要係誤導D音響初哥。你仲要留意究竟個 AMP power output 係 based on 4 ohms 定 8 ohms 先﹐亦要留意究竟個喇叭係 4 ohms 定 8 ohms.

答番你個問題﹐一般黎講﹐揀AMP最好揀一個 power output (rms) 同 speaker handling power (rms) 相近﹐就算多少幾十watt都無咩緊要﹐但係amp既 power output (rms) 一定唔可以多過speaker 既 maximum handling power﹐如果唔係就實燒。

If you can't find out the exact data that you need from both the speakers and the amp, you can automatically assume the following (but it's not accurate, it's just assumption):

rms power output = 1/3 maximum power output

rms rated power = 1/2 maximum power handling

I hope this helps you. If you are still not sure, go to an audio store in Sham Shui Po and ask. It's better to listen from the Pros.
Originally posted by hkcitywong at 2005-6-24 12:16 PM:
我知道個amp output 大過speakers output會燒機,但一般amp大過speakers 多少% 就會燒?
amp out 大, speaker in 細 , 未必會燒的, 只要你開細聲d.....

計 amp output, 通常用 rms (唔係pmpo), 例如佢話有 100w 今講....

計 speaker 承受力... , 一定係 rms, 例如佢話有 30w 今講....

係咪果部 100W amp 接上 1隻得 30W 喇叭, 一開就燒...梗係唔會啦! 除非係將個 volume 扭到盡....

所以買 amp 同 speaker 係要匹配, 下面有幾個議見:

1. 抵玩型: amp 係 speaker 的 4倍 (AB類, 普通amp, 失真率由細声時小於1% 至 最大30%)
2. 力量型: amp 係 speaker 的 2倍 (A類, 高級amp,開到盡而失真率低於1%)
3. 痴線型: amp 係 speaker 的 6倍或以上 (純A類, 痴線amp, 失真率低於0.1%)
唔該兩個大佬,rms同max power係咩黎,我見到有d speaker寫10%+- 是什麼意思?
Originally posted by hkcitywong at 2005-6-24 03:22 PM:
唔該兩個大佬,rms同max power係咩黎,我見到有d speaker寫10%+- 是什麼意思?
係咪寫住THD呀﹖尼個解 total hormonic distortion﹐越高就越‘穩笨’﹐厄人多。而家要出去﹐遲D同你再傾。總知記住﹐唔好立亂買﹐徙錢不止﹐仲要隻耳受罪。
Originally posted by d228216 at 2005-6-24 03:02 PM:
1. 抵玩型: amp 係 speaker 的 4倍 (AB類, 普通amp, 失真率由細声時小於1% 至 最大30%)
2. 力量型: amp 係 speaker 的 2倍 (A類, 高級amp,開到盡而失真率低於1%)
3. 痴線型: amp 係 speaker 的 6倍或以上 (純A類, 痴線amp, 失真率低於0.1%)
如果玩開汽車音響既話﹐仲有個 class D amp﹐尼個係負責低音擴音﹐高流量 high current amp﹐主要係好有效甘擴音而唔容易過熱。
RMS = Root Mean Square
Max power = Peak Power
除左汽車音響, 大部份電腦用speaker 果個 超低音 都係 class D .

vivi 你都識好多野 wor!  

如果驚買錯野, 照我果 set 買啦, 試過, 都ok 的


我話: 人可窮,志不可窮;人雖富,志不應淫.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Speakers set

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