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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » "INSIDE the NBA"
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ya i guess i'll just tell here

grant hill, back in the day, liked to get dumars to guard whoever hill was assigned to guard because hill didn't really like to guard tough guys. So one time, dumars' cousin asked dumars why he had to cover for hill all the time. Dumars told his cousin straight that hill was a ho. So hill had this reputation around the league that he wouldn't guard ppl. The management at the time wanted to trade hill, but knowing that hill represented the city of detroit at the time, there was no trade. Until the time when tmac wanted to go to orlando and duncan showing interest to going to orlando, hill was interested in that too. So of coz the pistons would release him since hill requested to leave. But when duncan heard hill was going to orlando, knowing hill's reputation, he declined to go to orlando and stayed with the spurs.

So hill's gone and pistons needed to rebuild. The pistons wanted to release lindsay hunter cuz he's got no D. They traded him to the lakers and after hunter developed his defensive skills with the lakers, the pistons took him back to detroit. They were also missing a starting pg at the time, so the scouts presented chauncey billups to dumars, who became the gm, and saying billups was the sh*t. So dumars kept billups. They also signed rick carlisle as a coach. Carlisle was an awesome coach no doubt, but his behaviour was said to be weird at times. For instance, he would go to the gm and told the gm to put on certain music or certain songs during pre-game cuz he believed the fans wanted to hear it. Despite that, he's a good coach and helped the team to win tons of games. Yet there's still conflict between the coach and the team. Dumars decided to resign him in the end. Then dumars brought in larry brown. Brown eventually guided the team to win the champ. People around the nba would congratulate brown to win the champ with carlisle's troops (given it's carlisle's team after all). In time, the team felt that brown was a person who wanted total control of everything. It finally went to the point that dumars would just resign brown cuz he's not the ideal coach. That's why brown wouldn't succeed in places like philly and ny cuz both ai and marbury wouldn't listen to him.

there's also other little stories that i heard but i kinda forgot so i'll tell them when i remember. This is what i heard and it doesn't mean it's totally true so treat it like a story. Maybe some of you already know what i told. So treat it like rumours or whatever.

A great story...
But pls next time,
don't add any bad words, even x won't allow in here.
Got it?

Please tell us more stories in here.

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2006-1-27 at 11:12 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » "INSIDE the NBA"

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