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By Antony Kastinakis

ARSENE WENGER has sensationally opened the door for David Beckham to quit Real Madrid and make a shock return to England with Arsenal.

In a clear message to the England captain the Gunners boss that the road is clear for Becks to switch to North London.

He told Sport of the World: "Of course I would take him with all his baggage. I personally believe that Beckham has no big baggage.

"The only baggage here is his stardom status. That's not a problem.

We're not desperate to buy anybody. But if you find an exceptional player who can add a little class where we need it, we'll do it. He could be one of them."

Becks, 30, and Gunners skipper Thierry Henry embraced before and after the midweek Euro clash at Highbury when Arsenal's heroic youngsters dumped Madrid's megastar flops out of the Champions League.

And although Beckham has publicly insisted he wants to sign a new three-year deal the turmoil at the Spanish giants could still force him out.

Wenger openly invited Beckham to give a clear indication he'd welcome a switch to Arsenal. He added: "You ask me ‘do you rate him as a player?' I say yes. Could he play for Arsenal? Yeah, I think he has the qualities to do it.'

"Have I been in for him? I say no. Do I know what his intentions are? I don't know. Only Beckham can create that answer. I cannot speak for him."

Wenger also insisted he would not bring Becks in a bid to convince Henry to commit his future to the club.

Henry, 28, has refused to sign a new deal for months as he ponders his long-term future. But Wenger added: "Thierry will make up his mind and when he is ready he will let me know. I don't know if winning the Champions League will be enough."
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