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Ruud is doubt for his future

Quoted from:http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/ ... man_utd/5006908.stm
Van Nistelrooy unsure on future  

Ruud van Nistelrooy says he has had no indication from Manchester United that they want to sell him.
The Dutch striker is reported to have fallen out with boss Sir Alex Ferguson.

But asked if his Old Trafford career might be over, the 29-year-old told Dutch television: "You could have that feeling but it's not that certain.

"No-one has said that to me so far. What has happened is not a positive sign but as long as I can't do anything about it I won't be preoccupied."

Van Nistelrooy, who has scored 150 goals in 200 starts for United since joining five years ago, revealed he did not want to make any decisions about his future until after next month's World Cup.

The striker often had to settle for a place on the bench in the second half of last season and left United's final game against Charlton before kick-off.

Van Nistelrooy claims he was asked to leave the team hotel and was subsequently told he would not be allowed to appear in Roy Keane's testimonial.

Where will he go? There is an Audio interview from the link above as well. According to that Ruud wana stay if things not changed. However, anyone who had arguements with Sir Alex will only be sold out.


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