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[BBC News] 安力加1,500萬鎊轉會車仔

[BBC News] Chelsea complete £15m Anelka deal

Chelsea have completed a £15m deal to sign Nicolas Anelka from Bolton.
The French striker, 28, has signed a four-and-a-half year contract and could figure in Saturday's game with Spurs.

Bolton had rejected a £12m bid from the Stamford Bridge outfit, who are short of fowards because of injuries and Africa Cup of Nations call-ups.

"It's not a secret that I was looking for one more striker, and Anelka has pace, is a good finisher and is scoring a lot of goals," said boss Avram Grant.

News conference: Bolton boss Gary Megson
"But he also provides assists and can play in any system and with any other good players beside him."

Bolton manager Gary Megson said: "We wanted to keep Nic but once it became obvious that he saw his future away from the club the idea was then to get as much money as we could for him.

"We will be looking to add to the squad to improve our league position.
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