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係週中o既BIG 4對決,本來好好睇,點知馬斯查蘭奴哩個敗家仔鬧鬧球證被逐,咁場比賽就變到好一面倒,攪到利記最後輸3球。我覺得應該罰多拒幾場
The Argentina international was sent off for picking up two cautions during the Premier League game against Manchester United on Sunday - the second for dissent towards the match official.

Referee Steve Bennett's report is understood to make a point of mentioning the time it took an angry Mascherano to leave the pitch.

A decision from the FA is expected on Wednesday afternoon, which is likely to result in a charge and could lead to an extended ban for the player.

Earlier on Tuesday, the FA heard the case of Watford's John Eustace, who was sent off against Stoke on March 15 and subsequently charged with improper conduct for confronting the referee and failing to leave the field of play.

Eustace admitted the charge and was handed a further one-match suspension as well as being fined £1,500.


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 馬斯查蘭奴對曼聯鬧球證被逐,可能被罰停賽多場

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