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英 超 勁 旅 車 路 士 宣 布 , 即 時 將 巴 西 籍 領 隊 史 高 拉 利 被 革 職 , 助 教 韋 堅 斯 暫 代 領 隊 職 位 , 史 高 拉 利 去 年 六 月 , 接 替 格 蘭 特 出 掌 車 路 士 帥 印 。

管 理 層 指 , 車 路 士 在 當 前 爭 標 關 鍵 時 刻 , 成 績 及 表 現 倒 退 , 車 路 士 在 上 周 六 聯 賽 , 0 : 0 迫 和 侯 城 , 目 前 在 聯 賽 榜 排 第 4 位 , 落 後 榜 首 的 曼 聯 7 分 。



依家既chelsea 攻不銳 守不穩...
你睇下依家既Petr Cech 同佢o係連續攞英超果兩年比較一下丫...
水準係下跌左好多喇.. 差唔多場場都有失波...



只係教左7個月, 買左兩三個人咁大把, 聯賽都未完就下馬....


大概世上再唔會有好領隊, 我相信費格遜如果遲出世20年, 佢永遠贏唔到半個杯...
因為以前可以比3年時間你, 但而家要你一教就天下無敵....

或者講史高拉利, 拉莫斯, 艾歷臣之流應該好好向摩連奴學習,
無寶不落, 明哲保身....

[ 本帖最後由 amigofans 於 2009-2-10 01:35 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 自由神 於 2009-2-10 12:40 AM 發表

??????premier league is probably the best league in the world, along with Italy.  The skills and tactics that the big 4 displayed are definitely cream of the world soccer.  Even if one does  not agree they are the best, they are definitely the same level as Italy and Spain.
原帖由 自由神 於 2009-2-10 12:40 AM 發表

都唔知道佢係固執,定係唔LIKE 杜巴巴
Good!! It is a wrong decision to hire him right from the start.

Let me tell u guys something.
A coach or soccer manager is apparently the LEADER of the team, think of as it is an army squad or any organized group, the discipline must be required. When the leader cannot lead the team, in another word, the leader earns no respect from the team or at least half of the team members, he is disqualified right from the start regardless how good his coaching or whatsoever skills he has. Otherwise, what is the point to have a leader for? What is the point to have a captain for? You think that's just a title without any meaning?
It doesn't matter about u agree the Chelsea players are star players or world's top players or not, they are definitely one of the top players reflecting by their market value and marketability which means it is not easy to lead them unless u r a skillful coach who can earn their respects. Otherwise, they won't listen to you if u have no skills at all or not strong enough. This is very simple.
Just like if anyone just come up to u and order u to listen to their orders, u will refuse also unless u found this person is a great person who can earn ya respect deep from ya heart. That's man to man matters, all men can understand that.


原帖由 germ 於 2009-2-10 01:36 AM 發表

??????premier league is probably the best league in the world, along with Italy.  The skills and tactics that the big 4 displayed are definitely cream of the world soccer.  Even if one does  not agr ...
Stop kidding me man. If Chelsea & Real Madrid didn't spend whole bunch of money to attract the top players to join and start making the trend, Italian Series A is still the top class league without doubt. Unfortunately, at the mean time, they are not producing a lot of great local players as before. They talk about both individual and team skills man. Why do you think it is so hard to score in their league? In any sports or anything, it is always a boring match or hard to score when two top class parties compete.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 史高拉利被炒

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