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What's with the Chinese and feeling that they get bullied all the time? Even the line judge just said that Serena told her that she'd kill her, nothing racial. And I highly doubt that Serena would've acted any different if that line judge was African, American, European, or Latina. Stop with the racial stuff.
原帖由 Shaqleung 於 2009-9-13 05:14 PM 發表

seems that Williams wasnt being a racist in this outburst... she shouted "i swear to God, If I could, I would take this fu**ing ball and shove it down your f*cking throat" (that's the part she was holding up a ball and walked to the lineman, it's on Australia news), however, they didnt show the second part of the outburst...which is the part whether Serena said "I would kill you"....

the board is investigating the whole ugly scene and she is very likely to be heavily fined and facing lengthy suspension~~~
原帖由 kakeidevil 於 2009-9-13 05:36 PM 發表
Basically Shaqleung thinks that Serena was being racist by shouting at the line judge for calling a foot fault on her when she was on the brink of losing the match.
i guess nothing racism was there. But totally inappropiate wordings and act towards the offical.
原帖由 arthur8088 於 2009-9-13 05:36 PM 發表

seems that Williams wasnt being a racist in this outburst... she shouted "i swear to God, If I could, I would take this fu**ing ball and shove it down your f*cking throat" (that's the part she was h ...
throat? not another part? haha....

these people are really funny, which race was the ones originally being discriminated? and u discriminate others on skin colors or race?
new comedian? haha
and why needed to swear to God while she could just go ahead and shove the ball down her throat or any other parts? why didnt she do it? no one stopped her and she could definitely capable of doing it. lol
so 2nd part must be even worse

[ 本帖最後由 Unfair 於 2009-9-13 07:29 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Unfair 於 2009-9-13 07:24 PM 發表

throat? not another part? haha....

these people are really funny, which race was the ones originally being discriminated? and u discriminate others on skin colors or race?
new comedian? haha
and wh ...
Please type in comprehensible English...
原來SERENA之前頭一兩圈已經俾人吹過FOOTFAULT. 而佢就話自己打左咁耐波都未俾人吹過.黎到NY反而俾人吹兩次.所以好掹走去鬧人.

成件事其實係四強SERENA VS CLIJSTERS, 去到第二盤15-30,SERENA 開波,第二發球俾人吹左FOOTFAULT,於是指著視線員鬧.俾人罰第二個CONDUCT WARNING,皆因佢第一盤輸左掟拍.於是罰埋果分,就輸左~
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