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Clyde Drexler....
ha.... Wai214, I love Clyde Drexler too.....
He should be better than Kobe
to shaqkobe:
Your clip's great......
although i'm not a fan of Kobe.....
well actually i dislike him coz i don't like LAL...
but the clip's really great....
he's no doubt a great player...

all time 騰空王 must be MJ la....
Drexler's great too though
No la...........
Clyde was much better than Jordan in there..
did u see someone who could jam in about 12 feet tall?!
He did it..
but He didn't do it well in slam dunk competitions so everyone thinks Jordan was better in there.
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-2-9 03:20 AM:
No la...........
Clyde was much better than Jordan in there..
did u see someone who could jam in about 12 feet tall?!
He did it..
but He didn't do it well in slam dunk competitions so everyon ...
i've HEARD about that jam contest, sthg like keep rising the rim until just one person is able to dunk, is it what u mentioned??
i wanna see that VERY MUCH! do u hv the clip of that?

but does that mean Clyde could jump high?
i know he's been famous about his glides in the air, but from what i've seen (actuually just a couple of video clips.....few clips....) he's more like  'flying in a straight line'
but MJ did hang in the air for a while, u know.. doing some double pumps, second/third time shots stuff like that... (and the classic right hand to left hand lay-up in front of Magic)
and those seems closer to the clip we see in this forum in my view

ar...i dunno man...
pls correct me if i'm wrong...............
I would really like to have that clips!!!
em.. but from my memories, he did once at least for 11 and 1/2 feet in all-star slam dunk competition..
but you know, when he lost in finally in that yr, I never think they would keep the records....... (in NBA.com)

He got different styles with Jordan......... but for Slam Dunk, he should be in 1a, and Jordan is 1 ONLY.. He didn't like to flick on the air........ He liked to slam dunk straightly

Sorry, I know there are a lot of Jordan's fans..... but for jumping abilities, slam dunk and defensive/offensive boards, Clyde was getting a little bit better than Jordan.
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-2-9 04:30 AM:
I would really like to have that clips!!!
em.. but from my memories, he did once at least for 11 and 1/2 feet in all-star slam dunk competition..
but you know, when he lost in finally in that yr ...
after hearing from u i think i gotta go find some videos about them some time to do a comparison...

i'm not a big fan of MJ (i just like his shoes....),  but he could really do amazing stuffs when needed...
maybe that's y he's the best of all time...........

by the way
so who's your all time favourite dunker? Drexler? or someone else?
ha..  Drexler!!

Well... I won't choose Spud Webb!!! althought he's 5'7', was winning Slam Dunk competition... but how many times he did it in the game? hardly!!!

Another choice, I would choose Dr. J.!!!

He was crazy too!

starting in mid 80s, most people were talking Clyde Drexler and Michael Jordan a lot...

But remember, Portland was a small market(small city)....Chicago is a big city
so when Bulls was up in early 90s, that's why they were favourite teams!!!

yes, Offensively, Jordan was better than Clyde, more consistences in jumpers, and his flick was better than Drexler.
Defense were similar.... if you read back the stats, both of them were in top 7 in steals every year...
Drexler got more assists than Jordan....

so it's hardly to compare with these 2 players..
what a Drexler fan..
man... u're talking about georgraphy that........ crazy.... but it does make sense........
one other thing i can think that y MJ's much famous is that he got more 星味, u know, he's very handsome amoung black ppl, n he got Nike to do crazy ads for him...

for the point about assists, i think MJ got less assists probably bcoz he was always the go-to-guy in the team, while Drexler got the Dream to pass to, does it make sense?

what about V.C.?
my all time favourite's V.C. in dunk category....
his 'elbow in da rim' dunk was...... was....... was.... i dunno how to describe but i can watch it for thousands time....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » kobe騰空力

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