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At NBA all star break ....

which team surprised u the most, and which team disappointed u the most   ... and reason

most surprise --- SUN
i know they will do good this year because of the addition of Nash, but i never think they will be that GOOD, 41-13, that really really good, also with Jim Jackson to their team, they add their depth of the bench, and i think no one can disagree this .... Sun is the most exicting team to watch this year ( so far at least )

most disappoint -- RAPTORS ( i live in toronto .. go figure )
i dont even know where to start .... when they sign Alston, i was like .... finally a PG, and if VC stay health, also with Rose and Bosh, we should do good .... specially the division is weak compare to others, but then we have VC asking for trade ( and did traded him to Nets ) there might be more to come, deadline is Feb 24, and also all the problem happen inside the team right now ... Alston and Mitchell not getting along, Eric william want to trade, just sad
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
Most surprising team.... I think ... should be.. Sonics..
yes, it's really tough choice between Sonics and Suns.
but generally, Suns gets some big movement, they add an all-star in their team.
but for Sonics, they got 1 trade, Danny Fortson, and they lost their starting point guard, Brent Barry...
so no one can predit they are leading in Northwest.

Most disappointing team.... I tihnk should be T' Wolves..
yes they are still in top 10 in West....
Yes, for the league position.. (dropping) I should choice Hornets.

But look clearly, Hornets, change to a tougher division and coast... plus they lost 2 all-stars in injury.. coach changing....... blah blah blah..

but look at T'wolves, where was their position last yr?
did they trade anyone?

then you could see the differences between Hornets and T'Wolves.
Except Sonics and Suns, Bulls and Wizards are the two of the most surprise teams until the All-Star break.
To be frank, few people can predict Wizards can stay at the 4th (based on the Win and Lose %) in the Eastern Conference.Arenas and Jamison have some chemical reactions~~~Their Shooter Larry Hughes is still on the injuried list....Their back-up force probably is stronger than most of the Eastern Team. In contrast, Deng and Gordon are performing far better than we expect at the beginning of the season. Hinrich, especially for Eddy Curry, they both perform so mature than last seaon.Also, Skiles' tactics and strategy are another key factor that make the Bulls to have 26-23 at this moment.

For the most disappoint team, i do choose Denver.
We may all expect too high for Anthony's potential~!!!Martin and Miller are both performing below-bar until now~~~You may say they both play without Lenard, they have less space and chance for open shot...Their inside squad is so strong and hard...Nene and Martin..both are Dirty style.....but they cant grap offensive rebound!!!this is a little bit disappointed to me!!
dont' wanna mention the ones that other bros mentioned
(most surprise)i'll go for lakers
(they've lost everything/everyone...still in playoff hunt)
i wouldn't be surprise if they make it and might ever get through first round
coz...no matter how much i dont' like kobe, i still have to say he's one of the best players in the league now...also, the heart of the *NON-kobe*s there...haha, they were 5-5 WITHOUT kobe, that tells u quite abit...

sigh...there are pletty...
yes...bro ticat...raptors...what the crap abt that trade...
i still have nightmares over that
(i'm going to watch the NewJersey game...and i'm sure gonna make some signs to diss tho...stupid managment...)

and yes...denver and t'wolves
did u guys know that the nuggets were chosen by the managers and coaches as the "most excititng to watch team"...i think it turns out to be the raptors are the most exciting...coz they always lose by alot and come back close...then still lose the games...(haha)
but "NUGgets"...sigh...melo is a very good scoring machine...just no team chemistry...they got K-Mart...and still...dotn' wanna continue...

and T'wolves....
Sprewell and Caswell....
last yr...those were 2 good "veterans"
this yr...they are 2 "old guys" (haha)

no lar
KG can't do everything
it's gonna be btw Spurs, Sun, and rockets this yr for west (no sonics...for can't go far w/o big man has always been my theory)
Yes.. it's hard for Sonics in playoffs...
the speed (of the game) will be slowing down........ and they play a lot of interior offense system....

but we're talking about surprising team so far...
well, no one can think they would lead Northwest.. right?!
(at least you would think Jazz still have more chances to be stay ahead  Sonics before starting in this seasons)
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