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Pennant guilty of wasting talent

Had Jermaine Pennant fulfilled the enormous potential that convinced Arsenal to pay Notts County £2m for the 16-year-old in January 1999, his fall from grace might have registered more than a blip on football's Richter Scale But the Nottingham-born winger has repeatedly failed to grasp the opportunities presented to him by the Gunners, so much so that it is inevitable the club will release him when his contract expires in the summer.

Pennant effectively blew his chances of ever making it at Highbury by upsetting the club's normally unflappable manager Arsene Wenger, who finally lost patience with the player's poor timekeeping.

Now, after being caught drink-driving for the second time in 12 months, Pennant no longer has to worry about whether he makes it to training on schedule
well, that's one of the reason why Birmingham couldn't sign him........
what a pity... i always believe that he's a gd cover for Ljungberg on the right after the departure of Wiltord... much better than Pires...
No, until the new stadium will be used in Arsenal 2 yrs later, otherwise, Peannent couldn't use his strength in Arsenal team...........

Highbury is too small, they couldn't play wingers styles.....

Only long ball and diamond attacking style could fit this kind of stadium....

another example, you may wonder why Everton are playing long ball system nowadays (since ages ago.. maybe 1950s-now.... they didn't change their style... look at Goodison Park? another tidy stadium)

i.e. you could see why Man Utd is successful in Winger system, cos Old Trafford is bigger (I am seriously talking about this)

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2005-3-3 at 03:50 AM ]
Of course i understand Highbury is way too small!
But i believe he is capable of sharing some of Ljungberg's role... even in 4-4-2 diamond, right?
I'm really getting tired watching Pires moving slowly on the right... although he always scores as a sub...
remember Robert Pires is 32. and he gets a lot of injures...
He's fine and play extremely well in this level of football......
don't blame he's slow, remember his age and his injury......

but nowadays, only Robert Pires and Dennis Bergkamp can control the game in Arsenal ONLY.

I think you should think Clichy/Reyes to be in left wing... and Freddie Ljungberg is on the right, it would be more suitable for Gunners if they play in diamond system in future.
Clichy... he could do a decent job as a left back but no good as left midfielder... i would rather play van Persie(hope he's not another Jeffers...) if Reyes is not available...
Van Perise should be replacing Dennis Bergkamp, look at his playing styles.. he's not that type of midfield......

Clichy will be ok if he settle in one position...

I give you an example, John O'Shea will be the best players in Man Utd within next 2 yrs, but he need to settle in one position first! This guy has tredmous talents......
van Persie... i hope he can replace our legend... but still a long way to go up till now...
He's just 21, he still have a long journey in his football career (if he will not make some silly mistakes or injury blow)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Pennant guilty of wasting talent

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