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Maurice Cheeks was fired

another silly movement in NBA today.

Portland fired it's head coach, Maurice Cheeks.
OH man, if he's not in Portland in these few yrs, the team should be struggling about 4 or 5 years ago......

We're missing him in NBA......

He's good coach, I am sure if he's in charge of Toronto, that should be great for him!
(better than Sam Mitchell)

or New York Knicks!
i sure want him come to Tornoto .....
Sam Mitchell ... /sigh
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
he's not that bad if you consider he's a rookie coach
I think it has already been the "golden rule" in NBA on such treatment to the coach...
it is not healthy but on management level, they are "expendible"...
it depends what's the CEOs in their heads.
Rick Carlisie was leading Piston to win Central Division (with 2, 52-30 records) in 01-02, 02-03, then he was fired.
Rudy T. didn't get fire in 99-00, even though they got 34-48 in that season
For a listed corporation, I don't think there is a good reason to keep a coach who cannot lead his team in NBA.....as management level / BOD have to consider the annual report which is faced to the public and shareholders....
yes, I think it's depending on how they will face shareholders and fans,
if you remember, Rudy T. is their heros in Houston, 2nd picks in Houston, he played only one NBA club, Houston.

similar situation for Wes Unseld, His records in Washington in 1990s was horrible, 30-52 in 90-91, 25-57 in 91-92, 22-60 in 92-93, he was still coaching in that 3 yrs, cos he is the hero in Bullets, as he was the Final MVP in 1978, their only championship in NBA history.
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-3 13:44:
yes, I think it's depending on how they will face shareholders and fans,
if you remember, Rudy T. is their heros in Houston, 2nd picks in Houston, he played only one NBA club, Houston.

similar ...
By our description as above, he is an exceptional case and it cannot be an excuse for the other ones.....I have already stated my point of view on competition issue in Politics Section before, and I believe that competition is the only way to let our society evolute more proper and complete
yes, sport games, in reality, it's politics...!!!
hey i agree with u 渣fit人
competition is the only way to let our society evolute more proper and complete

when you're not good enough to lead the team
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Maurice Cheeks was fired

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