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Strange, another.... strange signing again....

Hey guys,
Do u notice in NBA, this year, so many players were releasing,then they will go back to their former Club?

Fro example, Mourning, (go back to Heats, his former team in 2002)
Payton(trade, waive and go back to Celtics)
Alan Henderson (trade, waive and go back to Mavs)


Elden Campbell (trade, waive and go back to Pistons)

What the funny trends are going this year!!!
It is because some of teams are winning unexpectly this year, therefore, those teams which are considered to be the contender need to upgrade their roaster in order to keep them into the playoff hunt, but most of them are already at the cap, so they can only seek for vertans help and most likely, their former players will be the best fit because they know the system as well as they are productive instantly
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Strange, another.... strange signing again....

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