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The hockey thread

ok I think anything about hockey is cool here. From major leagues to minor leagues to euro leagues (if u follow it). From favourite players, teams, plays, to thoughts about CBA, rule changes and whatnot.

I'll try to talk about my favourite teams and players in brief. I used to like the wings and canucks. I liked the wings cuz they were too good of a team and the canucks after they made it to the stanley cup final. But then the canucks were slowly unloading their rosters and started going downhill then I started to follow the wings games but then after a while I thought I shouldn't support a US team haha. So then I only supported the nucks and then I started watching HNIC on a regular basis and u know how they airred the leafs game every week so I started to follow their games and cheered (a bit) for them. However, their free spending attitude kinda annoyed me so I didn't follow them no more. So back to the canucks again so at that time around they were getting better and better (that was when they traded bure for jovo and 1-2 more players). So I'd only follow their games after that. My favourite player now is Naslund cuz he's got the flare and leadership (tho he's a soft spoken man). He should start collecting assists don't just score goals haha. Not a very interesting story but enough to get the ball rolling maybe?

[ Last edited by Windowpane on 2005-10-15 at 05:47 PM ]
did you play hockey ???????
Well, thanks for your great help in EF...

and Iam pleased that you put posts the new theard, and new SPORTS in here.

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
checss, i used to play the 'playground' hockey which was not skating on ice, but rollerskating on the ground but I wasn't good at skating so I just run when others are skating haha. We didn't put a goalie on net and we scored by not putting the puck to the net, but to aim your shot to the post (cuz that way it's harder to score). That's about all my hockey playing experience.

brigtlee, thanks for supporting. Really wanna see if we have hockey fans around.
Let me just carry the filter-004ions a bit further here, do you think the shoot out (after OT) is a good idea for the NHL game?

I personally think this idea sucks. While it may have some initial success, eventually teams would have a few specialists who are good in shoot outs only...they may just employ the old OT attitude (play for a tie) and wait for the shoot out. Think about this, getting a point in the shoot out in divisional games are big deals. I think this is actually not a solution for the game.

shootout is good to watch but not really a fair solution for teams. All the 65 minutes of hard skating, checking, and positioning lead to only a shootout? The game just ends too soon. Take for example the canucks, the last time they played oilers they let one silly goal in the last min of the 3rd. Ok so in OT both teams battled hard but still undecided so they went on to the shootout and then cloutier allowed 2 more goals and let the oilers take a point away from us. So we can't complain it's just bad luck for us. Like these kinda wins/losses are not convincing at all. So 1 OT and a tie is the fairest way for both teams, it's like giving credits for both teams.

Like the most memorable continous OT nowadays in my opinion was couple yrs ago in the playoffs when the mighty ducks played like 4 OT's with the stars (i think is that right?). That's really a battle of endurance and either team won, the other team had to have respect for that. Although it might be a bit less exciting to watch but that way it's more convincing.

btw what happened last night between the leafs and thrashers i heard there's a huge brawl going on.
Head hunters were on for both sides....Tie Domi was again the thug....

Don Cherry has a fiery Coaches Corner just moments ago.

I don't know if we will have shoot outs in the playoffs this year...I hope not!

don cherry seems to praise these thugs a lot. He used to call the european players buncha sissies who only got the flashy skills. But overall fighting is good it's part of the game haha.
Agree with you! Somehow the players are softer these days...including the Canadian ones.

Nucks playing Stars tomorrow...can't wait.

canucks up 2-0 in the first
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