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NBA News Updated (18-8)

Allen Iverson suffered a non-displaced fracture of the right thumb (拇指骨折) during US vs Puerto Rico game

T.MacCulloch said he may be retired

Rodney White is receiving interest from Heats and Hornets, but he could return to Denver if he has more playing time

there is a 3-way trading rumour for dampier between
dallas + goldenstate + bobcat
Dallas need a 3th tired which has enough cap room for Dampier salary.
Goldenstate is interesting to clean the caproom and return cash or young cheap player (like Stefansson from Dallas)
Charlotte has far enough under the cap that they could completely absorb enough contracts from Dallas to make the deal happen. Charlotte has a whole roster full of cheap unproven players and may be willing to send one or more to GS in such a transaction, as part of the compensation to GS for making the deal

China 69-62 New Zealand
Y.Ming (Rockets) - 39pts, 13rebs
M.Bateer (Ex-Raptors) - 2rebs
New Zealand:
Sean Marks (Spurs) - 11pts, 7rebs
Kirk Penney (Ex-Heats) - 5pts, 6rebs

Australia 83-59 Angola
S.Heal (Ex-Spurs) - 18pts, 2rebs

Lithuania 98-90 Puerto Rico
D.Songaila (Kings) - 9pts, 5rebs, 3stl
Pueto Rico:
C.Arroyo (Jazz) - 25pts, 3stl, 2ast
D.Santiago (Bucks) - 12pts, 4stl  

Serbia-Montenegro 74-72 Italy 72
V.Radmanovic (Sonics) - 13pts, 4rebs
P.Drobnjak (Sonics) - 3pts
N.Krstic (Nets) - 6pts, 3rebs
A.Pavlovic (Cavs) - 1rebs

Spain 87-76 Argentina
P.Gasol (Grizzlies) - 26pts, 8rebs, 5blk
Emanuel Ginobili (Spurs) - 17pts, 4rebs, 4asts, 4stl
C.Delfino (Pistons) -  4pts, 1stl, 1rebs

United States 77-71 Greece 71
A.I - 17pts, 3rebs
S.Marbury - 8pts, 6ast
T.Duncan - 14pts, 9rebs
L.Odom - 7pts, 8rebs
R.Jefferson - 1pts, 2rebs (0-7 FG)
D.Wade - 6pts, 3ast
C.Boozer - 6pts, 5rebs
C.Anthony - 3rebs (0-4 FG)
L.James - 10pts, 1rebs
S.Marion - 8pts, 5rebs
A.Stoudemire - 4rebs (0-3 FG)
Jefferson 仍然都係食緊屎
射 7 中 0'
Larry Brown 唔好再出佢啦~仲要出足 21 分鐘~下場又係咁~美國又輸架喇
James 射 6 中 5~Marion 都射 5 中 3
only Duncan, AI and Odom are better
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