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NBA News Updated (4-10)

Sacramento Kings center Greg Ostertag will be out four-to-six weeks after breaking his right hand in a fall at his home

Peja believes Bulls or Pacers has a chance to pry him from Kings

This summer Dajuan Wagner was asked to work on his ball-handling skills so he could play some backup point guard

Paxson said the only two players on the current 19-man roster not expected to report are veteran SG Kendall Gill and reserve F Chris Jefferies. Gill, 36, is an unrestricted free agent who hopes to sign with a contender. Paxson plans to trade or waive Jefferies

John Thomas, the former Gophers center who was a No. 1 draft choice of the Knicks in 1997 and played four NBA seasons with Boston and Toronto, will try to make a comeback with the Timberwolves

Cuban has told Nelson he wants more practice time and focus on defense

If Abdul-Wahad is unable to play, the Mavericks may be able to orchestrate a buyout of the remainder of his contract, which is $6.75 million this season and partially guaranteed for next season
1. 「廢柴」大哥在搞什麼? 點解係屋企都可以搞到自己咁傷?

2. 如果peja 真係要走, 我寧願同 pacers 交換, bulls 實在沒有什麼好籌碼。

6. 其實我覺得 dallas 係2002-03球季係防守上進步不少, 不過 Cuban 先生鐘意季季都執下隊波, 搞到無哂隊型。
[quotefrom="kakueeken"]1. 「廢柴」大哥在搞什麼? 點解係屋企都可以搞到自己咁傷?

2. 如果peja 真係要走, 我寧願同 pacers 交換, bulls 實在沒有什麼好籌碼。

6. 其實我覺得 dallas 係2002-03球季係防守上進步不少, 不過 Cuban 先生鐘意季季都執下隊波, 搞到無哂隊型。
6.  This is because Cuban realizes that his team is not good enough to win the champion no matter what...
1.) 係屋企碌落樓梯.....佢個花名真係冇形容錯佢....
2.) 可以用肥腫難分 Curry + 一兩條友
3.) 佢係SG 式既矮仔...... 第一季黎 ( 傷前 ) 勁射波~ 一場射成 20 球波~ 搵佢打 PG ....得個笑字
6.) 我覺得咁既話...........
.....不如叫巴塞打防守...... 不如叫皇馬打防守
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