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Gunners duo get Premier gongs

Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabregas and boss Arsene Wenger have been named Barclays Player and Manager of the Month respectively for September.

Fabregas and Wenger become the first Arsenal pairing to pick up the monthly awards since August 2004, after the Gunners soared to the top of the Premier League with four wins out of four last month.

Fabregas collects his second Player gong of 2007, having won the prize in January, following a series of inspirational performances at the heart of Arsenal's midfield.

The Spaniard scored in the three consecutive victories against Portsmouth (3-1), Tottenham (3-1) and Derby (5-0) before guiding the team to another three points at West Ham (1-0).

This is the ninth time that Wenger has collected the Manager award, and marks an impressive start to the 2007/8 Premier League campaign, which has seen the team remain unbeaten and push forward their challenge as early title contenders.

The decision was made by the Barclays Awards Panel, which includes representatives from football's governing bodies, the media and fans.

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 英超九月份最佳領隊、球員,由雲加、法比加斯奪得

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