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New signing Samir Nasri!


Nasri agrees to join Arsenal from Marseille
French international midfielder Samir Nasri has agreed to join Arsenalfrom Olympique Marseille on a long-term contract for an undisclosedfee.
Nasri (21), who made two appearances for France in Euro 2008, was votedas the French Ligue 1 'Young Player of the Year' for 2006/07 and wasalso Olympique Marseille's Player of the Year for 2007.

Nasri, has made twelve appearances (scoring twice) for the Frenchnational team, making his debut for his country in March 2007 in the1-0 friendly win over Austria. He was also a French Under-21international and part of the French Under-17s who won the EuropeanChampionships in 2004.

The young attacking midfielder made 145 appearances (scoring 11 goals)for Olympique Marseille, during which time he won the UEFA IntertotoCup in 2005, was a French Cup runner-up in 2006 and 2007 and helped hisside into third place in Ligue 1 last season, thus securing a UEFAChampions League place for next season.

Manager Arsène Wenger said: "We are delighted to be signing SamirNasri. He is young, quick and technically an outstanding player. He hasshown great potential with his performances for Marseille and theFrench national team over the past two seasons and he will add greatquality to our squad."

Nasri added: "I'm very happy to become an Arsenal player, it means sucha lot to me. This is a very important step in my life as a footballplayer because Arsenal is a massive club. I really hope everything willgo well for me here. I will do my best for Arsenal and its fans and Iam honoured to be part of such a great football club."

Samir Nasri is due to join up with his new Arsenal team mates for pre-season training on 21st July.

from arsenal.com
好似有d 呃post 成份喎,


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » New signing Samir Nasri!

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