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Martin Tyler -- the best commentator in this century

Of cos, he was selected the best commentator in Primer League in 2002.

He is really smart, and he's always willing to look same incidents in many different points of view!

I remember I read an article in internet, that's an interview from David Ellary, the best English referee in 1990s

He said," some commentators are good, for example, John Mortson, but the best, is Martin Tyler from Sky Sports, he's willing to ask thereferee's point of the game."

If you watched the game between Arsenal vs Man. Utd on Saturday night, you see this incident!

When Rafael scored the goal in 89mins, then 4th official showed up how many mins for add it time (of that game. Here is the commentary between Martin Tyler and Robbie Earle

M, "6 add in mins.... goodness me"
R," that's a long time, that's a long stoppage through injury for Manuel Almunia and all the stoppage at well. A little bit long time to me.'
M,"Well, 3 mins for Almunia... add in 30 seconds for each substitution supposed to add on and, 30 seconds for each goal as well, so you get enough, arent' you?!"

Martin was saying that last sentence peacefully.

This is showing how great for a commentator is, Martin knows what'll be happened on the field, he learns professionally. Supposed that Robbie Earle (ex-soccer player) should explain why that should be 6 mins for add in time. But Robbie failed to do it. Martin did it properly. Well Done, Martin!

If you watched English commentary on Saturday, youare blessed and you should get some good commentary.. but if youwatched it in Chinese commentary.. I feel sorry to you.

By the way, when will see some Chinese commentators could do similar things as Martin Tyler? I don't think anyone can do this like Martin in next 20years!

Lack of professionalism, lack of sense... and only blah blah blah.... really sad for all Chinese commentators......

[ 本帖最後由 brightlee 於 2008-11-15 08:56 PM 編輯 ]
但我近黎聽得最多佢把聲同評述, 竟然係打機既時候....

FIFA09 英文旁述係佢同Andy Gray....


黃興桂, 何輝, keyman 同林尚義, 係咪夢幻組合?
EA Sports is smart!
similar situation they use Marv Albert and Mike Fratello in NBA (Marv and Mike are the best commentators in NBA)

[ 本帖最後由 brightlee 於 2008-11-17 09:47 AM 編輯 ]
Totally agree. I think Martin Tyler and Andy Gray are the best. If they partner together then no one can beat them. They really can bring up the atmosphere and make the match more exciting.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Martin Tyler -- the best commentator in this century

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