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唉!曼聯 好失望

個勢好, 圍住咁踢, 但冇咩機會射門 !!!
李奧同維迪開始踏入年紀大Mark唔到費托 !!
Dicksonlam 發表於 2009-10-26 12:34 AM
seriously...Man utd played crap today!!!!
without a midfielder like Maschereno to do all the tackling and dirty jobs..Man Utd will always struggle like today when facing top teams...
really hope Hargreaves and Fletcher to play soon~~

Man utd also need a key player (not play maker)..like c7 type, able to lift up the whole team or make some break through when the team is under pressure...in the past, C7 was doing this job..he made heaps of break through by himself...but today (or against Arsenal), no one was actually doing that...

Van Der Sar saved Man Utd from being thrashed by Liverpool again~~Ferdinand should take a rest or stopping expanding his acting career in order to save his football career...this guys is obviously distracted by acting...

nani....he really needs to perform before January..if Obertan and Ljaclic are performing as expected, he will be out next season~~~

i still have a big question mark in my mind..Why Andersen was not on the pitch tonight...??last two years, he was the starter against liverpool~!!!!and he did heaps of defence job and filled up the spaces....like he had experience, no matter partnering wih scholes or carrick...his hard work and pace was what Man utd needed tonight!!!!
haha.,..but his cut-in was just perfect...and his balance was world-class as well~~~~he still could manage to score top quality shoot under Rio's heavy pressure~~~

that was a world class shot man~~
我又唔會太大反應, 因為今日係人家打得較好 , 就算果球唔中楣入左, 呢1分亦都係執番黎ONLY,
而且1分同0分實際上無咩分別, 都係失分也...

或者利物浦球迷, 當中包括講波既蔡玉瑜, 會值得興奮一陣, 並認為利記會從此反底...
賓尼迪斯亦吐口烏氣, 可以同BBC SPORT講, 我地唔係想像中咁差....

但睇番戰局與入球, 又係TORRES係曼聯兩位中堅中搵到甜頭而致勝, 我睇唔出利物浦有咩寸進,

今季曼聯從對強手既賽事中, 明顯有唔夠力之感, 相信費格遜一月會作一D買賣同調整,
但相反利物浦依舊係老問題, 贏到波, 賓尼迪斯更加唔識痛定思痛去改善....

小弟覺得曼聯FANS唔洗失望, 利物浦絕對唔係聯賽對手, 就正如作客輸比般尼一樣, 並唔係咩世界未日...
seriously...Man utd played crap today!!!!
without a midfielder like Maschereno to do all the tackling and dirty jobs..Man Utd will always struggle like today when facing top teams...
really hope Hargr ...
arthur8088 發表於 2009-10-26 01:16 AM
我都奇點解老費會係一場速率咁高既大戰中用兩老打中場, 就算費查傷左亦應用ANDERSON, 不過卡域克欠態可能令佢唔敢唔用史高斯...

但你點講都好, 呢場波輸中場比人壓住黎打, 但輸既一球仍然係同中場關係不大, 皆因又係死在TORRES既速度同把握力之下...

翼同前鋒都唔夠CLASS, 又唔肯玩大佢比D新人打 , 買人啦一月, 唔該佢....
我又唔會太大反應, 因為今日係人家打得較好 , 就算果球唔中楣入左, 呢1分亦都係執番黎ONLY,
而且1分同0分實際上無咩分別, 都係失分也...

或者利物浦球迷, 當中包括講波既蔡玉瑜, 會值得興奮一陣, 並認為利記 ...
filter-052fans 發表於 2009-10-26 01:34 AM
i guess Man utd still have some options before considering getting new players...like Ljalic, Obertan and hargreaves...i guess the team will be different with them, especially hargreaves...there's not many options for SAF to sign as wel...but if the team is more or less the same in the 2nd half season, they seriously need to consider changes...

but not the GOALKEEPER!!!!!
9# arthur8088

拿積同奧巴坦? 佢今年連WELBECK, GIBSON都少出啦, 我好懷疑佢肯唔肯用佢地黎博....

其實都贏左成3年, 應該趁C7同TEVEZ走左, 用多D新人啦,

難得最近係睇左曼聯成廿年, 繼92CLASS後最有潛力既一班細路....

韋碧克, 馬捷達, 傑遜, 大細孖, 伊雲斯, 安達臣同蘭尼, 件件都有得做, 但今季都係睇多過踢....

所以有時我睇聯賽杯仲興奮, 包括奧巴坦, 睇下周中又出到幾多件?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 唉!曼聯 好失望

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