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珍貴曼聯起飞脚球衣(1993-95) - all 5 types

First version - Official replica shirt

Official released replicas. Only avaiable in short sleeved. Velveteen names & numbers available for iroing on in club back then. Shirt has embroidered Umbro, but the United club crest is a whole piece sewn onto the shirt.

Second version - Premier League authentic player shirt

Actual player shirt worn by the players. Avaialble in long sleeved versions. Please note long sleeved shirts are NOT for sale to the public or fans. Shirt has official Premier League Champions 1992-93 patches on the arm-sleeves. Player Shirt also differs in having embroidered club crest instead of whole-piece sewn-on crest. What does it means? Look closer and compared with the above replica shirt! The MU crest is more beautifully embroidered and occupies a bigger area of the shield shape, as follows.

(Left: replica shirt; Right: player shirt)</P>

Third version - Pre-season friendly Player Shirt

Again no long sleeved replicas were released and this must be a player shirt. And for pre-season match, SHARP instead of SHARP VIEWCAM was used.

Fourth version - European Cup Winners Cup Player Shirt

Completely no-sponsor logo found on the front side for player shirt in European Cup Winners Cup. Manchester United achieved "double" in season 1993-1994 and thus entitled to play in Cup Winners Cup and Champions League. UEFA Cup Winners Cup then didn't allow sponsorship logo. This shirt of course was never released as replica.

Fifth version - UEFA Champions League Player Shirt

Again, limitation on sposnorship was adopted for special Cup ties like the UEFA Champions League. In the front side only raised-embossed "SHARP" was adopted on the shirt. Moreover, the background pattern of this shirt differs from all above 4 versions. This shirt has slanted strips at 45-degrees instead of vertical strips with UMBRO diamond patterns. Shirt comes with offical cloth-type
Champions League 1994-1995 patch in star-shape, stitched on the right arm. Once again, no long sleeved shirts were ever released to the public. This is an ultra rare player shirt which was worn only ONCE in history - against Barcelona at Nou Camp with a lose of 0-4 (Cantona and Schmeichel were both suspensed).
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 珍貴曼聯起飞脚球衣(1993-95) - all 5 types

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