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Figo Returning to the National Team

Figo returns to Portuguese side
Associated Press

5/13/2005 12:26:28 PM (EST)

LISBON (AP) - Luis Figo agreed to return to the Portugal national team, nine months after quitting international soccer.

The 32-year-old midfielder, who recently lost his place in Real Madrid's team, agreed to play if selected for the June 4 World Cup qualifier at home to Slovakia.

Portuguese soccer federation president Gilberto Madail and Portugal coach Luiz Felipe Scolari asked Figo to return.

A statement by the federation released on Friday stopped short of saying Figo would be included in the squad, but welcomed his availability.

Figo, a former World Player of the Year, halted his 15-year international career in August. He was substituted several times during last year's European Championship, in which Portugal, as host nation, finished runner-up.

Figo played 110 games for Portugal, a record shared with defender Fernando Couto. He scored 31 goals.

Would his presence help the Portugal team? Or is it just a move to 'resurrect' his club career (and possibly getting a good transfer)

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