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Street basketball 街波態度 – love 愛心 & compassion 同情心

Street basketball 街波態度 – love 愛心 & compassion 同情心

There are so many threads about the negative behaviour of others when we go to the street court and play basketball. 耐唔耐就有不滿街波啲人posts出

Sometimes brothers complain this and that, please sit down and listen

Why people goto play basketball? 點解落街打波
Main reason: they love basketball so they want to play 佢哋喜歡籃球所以落街打
2nd reason: they like basketball and they want to train themselves 佢哋喜歡籃球想訓練自己
3rd: as a gathering with friends 落街打波亦係同朋友聚會一種形式
4th: kind of relaxation after a hardworking day (for those who work in society) or boring school lessons / lectures (for those who still studying in school / university)返工/返學後嘅一種放鬆/ 發洩
5th: sports = do exercise, good for health做吓運動

The complaints or the negative feedback of posts opened by brothers are mostly studying in schools / U

But the majority of people that we see on the court are not student.  Yes, some of them also looks young, but it means nothing.大部份態度唔好嘅人, 其實唔係學生

Tell you the truth, 50% or more of people are white / blue collar 至少五十%係白/藍領, and there is a very important fact: although they like basketball雖然佢哋鍾意籃球, most of them never get a chance to learn the correct basketball knowledge / skill when they were in school 但絕大部份冇學過正統籃球, 冇參加過 / 冇機會入校隊.  And only a few of them have been played for school team. 根本好少街波人曾代表過學校

So, they don’t have the basic basketball knowledge所以佢哋唔識籃球規則, they know little about basketball strategies唔識策略, and sure they know nothing about basketball etiquette.
沒有正確籃球知識, 策略 & 禮儀

Do we know how lucky are we知唔知我們有幾幸福? We love basketball and we have a proper channel to learn and play.我哋有機會係學校玩, 正常渠道學習籃球

Does that mean they have no right to play basketball with us on the street courts? 咁唔代表佢哋冇權落街打波

Some of them, if we noticed, are blue collar , I have no intention to stereotype people work at lower levels, but basketball is a sport that evolved from western countries (US), most articles about the tactic and skills are written in English, and these people don’t know how to search on web / library or don’t have the ability to read English articles.

May we have empathy 大家可否 移情溶入 佢哋on others?
Empathy = put ourselves into others’ situation 設身處地

Their only chance to play basketball is on street court 佢哋唯一機會打波就係落街埸, while most of the brothers still get a chance to play in school playground after school.

Their only chance to show themselves (not show off) 佢哋唯一機會去表現自己(唔係表演) 就係落街埸is on street court, while we may.. be an ace-of-school team (star) in front of whole school classmates & teachers when there is schools competitions / inter-hall competitions etc etc 我哋比賽時九十幾萬打氣

Consider about they NEVER have a chance to play basketball games (5v5) in a full house indoor-court 想像一下一些人從無正式比賽體驗, they never have the chance to have the feeling of ball hitting timber floor從未試過在室內硬木地上比賽; 感受球鞋同木板磨擦嘅gee gee 聲;  they never understand we enjoy the atmosphere of hundreds of people shouting “defend!!! Clap Clap Clap. Defend, clap clap clap!” 佢哋從機會無體會全場觀眾大喊<防守! 防守!>; they never imagine / have a chance to feel everything that we take it for grant這些/一切我們習以為常/認為老憑嘅嘢.

No one tells them the correct basketball rules or they seldom initial themselves to seek books about basketball rules in library / on internet.

下次落街打波時From now on, next time when we go to street court to play basketball, 如果if we accidentally touch their hand hair 唔覺意high到佢哋條手毛and they yell a foul, let it be ok 由他吧好唔好?  It won’t hurt us我哋冇損失, you never expect them to improve (and in fact they don’t improve), show our love and compassion on them 拿出自己嘅同情心, 原諒佢哋吧.  Our objectives to play on court are train ourselves, develop teamwork etc etc.  If we don’t want to play with them, just beat them hard with our real skill.  If it is hard for us to beat them by our skills, use tactic (basketball strategy).

Don’t make ourselves affect by those people again ok?  They worth nil for us to lose temper根本唔值我們怒氣, and we don’t remember who are they when we return home.  We are mature guys.

(advertise time)
How do you tell they didn’t have correct basketball knowledge?  Just take a look at their jumpshoot gesture then you know what I am talking about. 一睇射姿就知有冇人教過正統籃球

“Complete jumpshoot guidelines: Part I: both hands straight upward…”

容我問問所有兄弟, 有否正式全場出賽經驗?
yo, how is the streetball in hk. i haven't been back in such a long time. and i don't want to get beaten up( you know the sterotypes in movies and shit).
i play a lot of ball in vancouver, ppl tend to be pretty nice (except for some cocky honger bitches. but when they lose to us, they have nothin to say).
i just want to see how the atmosphere in hk is for b-ball. cause i'm probably going back nxt summer. i might go to some courts with my friends to see.
hey dude i like ur translation more lol
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Street basketball 街波態度 – love 愛心 & compassion 同情心

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