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[轉貼]: 占士:我衰沒有準備

James: I failed to prepare
David James has confessed that he did not prepare himself properly after coming on as substitute goalkeeper for England in the 4-1 defeat to Denmark on Wednesday.

James came on for Paul Robinson at half time with the game goal-less but a mistake for the opener, and some patchy moments throughout the second half has once again called into question his place in the England squad.

The Manchester City goalkeeper admitted his failure to prepare properly for the match, believing he can 'get away' with a poor performance because it was a friendly match.

"You should prepare to play," said James. "The watchwords are practice, practice, practice. For once I didn't adhere to that and everyone saw the result.

"Because I knew I wasn't going to start, for once I didn't do my starting preparations.

"The whole thing about preparation is that you could go on in the first minute. It is a lesson I try to teach youngsters and it is one I should follow through myself.

"Maybe I can get away with this one because it is a friendly and has no bearing on qualification.

"But I am representing England and I should have paid more attention. There were things I did which I will make totally sure I never do again."

James insists that he will not let the mistakes haunt his club form for City.

"I am very confident in the way I am playing," he added.

"My form for Manchester City has been very good, so I am not going to lose my head over one performance.

"I am obviously not happy that I let any goals in, let alone four and I know my performance will come under scrutiny and people will question my international career.

"But that is part of the goalkeepers' lot. Unfortunately, I have been there before.

"The fans have come a long way to support the team.

"They want to see us win. There were a few choice words said which weren't necessarily needed. But I say things when I watch football matches, so I am not going to criticise the fans for showing their feelings."
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2005-8-18 08:33 AM:
James: I failed to prepare
David J...
Premier League Champions
2006-07 Man. Utd.
2005-06 Chelsea
2004-05 Chelsea
2003-04 Arsenal
我的最愛: Miki、Stephy、阿仙奴、AC米蘭
Originally posted by pyliu at 2005-8-18 04:39 PM:

Originally posted by pyliu at 2005-8-18 04:39 PM:

Originally posted by iMacc at 2005-8-18 09:20 AM:
Premier League Champions
2006-07 Man. Utd.
2005-06 Chelsea
2004-05 Chelsea
2003-04 Arsenal

龍門:無個掂, P羅賓遜好少少
前鋒:點踢都係奧雲+朗尼...連Alan Smith都被人改造...

我的最愛: Miki、Stephy、阿仙奴、AC米蘭
Originally posted by skjeiw at 2005-8-18 05:58 PM:
Originally posted by pyliu at 2005-8-18 05:40 PM:

多d 機會打...
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