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Aston Villa have called a press conference for 3:30pm where they will unveil new signing Milan Baros.

The Villans have been in protracted talks to land the Czech Republic international and have announced that a £6.5 million pound deal for the striker has been completed.

Baros has already indicated that he is relishing the prospect of playing for Villa, whilst David O'Leary will be delighted to have signed such a high profile marksman.

O'Leary had asked for patience after the sale of Darius Vassell to Manchester City this summer, and has now brought in a big name in world football.

Baros has never quite replicated his international form at club level in England, but will be keen to show that topping the goalscorer charts at Euro 2004 was no fluke.

The Czech star has put pen to paper on a four-year deal with Villa, and could make his debut against Blackburn at Villa Park on Saturday.

Stay logged on to skysports.com this afternoon as we bring coverage from that press conference and all the aftermath.

From SkySports
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