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其實去piston真係幾唔錯, KG應該都想, 又可以同舊教練一齊, 又有機會奪標. 但問題真係而家打得好好地真係要轉? piston想當年夠可以唔要米力錫要anthony啦, 但就算冇呢d明星佢地都一樣拎總冠軍. 有時球員既野唔係一加一就一定等於二.

ny我覺得好多球員都想去打, 個籌碼都夠, 不過硬係覺得唔多會囉.

當然, 如果我覺得KG去公牛都唔錯, 呢隊波咁有前途, 如果有個kg咁既star就差好遠, 不過我都唔知有咩籌碼可以換..(仲有, 我硬係覺得唔多大牌球員鐘意打公牛, 可能因為jordan既關係)仲有個可能係溜馬用oneal黎換.........


All trades involve Wolves sending out KG + Wally, and all return trades include a draft pick.
Celtics: Pierce + LaFrentz + Jefferson. Pierce has a year less on his deal than KG does, allowing them to trade his expiring contract in one year for more talented young players (plus they get Jefferson now).
Hawks: Joe Johnson + Marvin Williams + Al Harrington (exp) + Tony Delk (exp). Gives the Wolves flexibility and a couple young players.
Bulls: Tyson Chandler + Tim Thomas (exp) + either Deng or Gordon. The Chicago players have a lot of trade restrictions, so I don't even know if this is possible, but it would again leave the Wolves with flexibility and good young players.
Mavs: Van Horn (huge exp) + Daniels + Harris + Christie. This one works salary-wise, but it would be better to find a combo of players that isn't all guards. Maybe substitute Josh Howard for Daniels.
Grizz: Jones (huge exp) + Wright (exp) + Warrick + Battier. Not a huge amount of talent coming back, but it does leave them with a lot of room.
Knicks: Hardaway (huge exp) + Davis (huge exp) + Frye + Ariza. This clears away virtually all of the Wolves salary obligations, and gives them two guys who will at least be starting-quality players.
Sixers: Mashburn (exp) + Dalembert + Korver + Iguadala. Somebody who knows a lot about CBA would have to fine tune this one, because it doesn't work as is, but the basis of the trade is to strip Philly of all their young players in exchange for "win now while Iverson still can."
Raptors: Rose, Peterson, Williams (large 1 year deals left) + Villanueva and Graham. Looks like a bad trade for the Raptors, but I think it's good for the Wolves, as is the point of this thread.

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Interesting post....but i guess he will stay with the T wolves

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
其實去熱火都唔錯, 如果熱火用 walker + jason williams + shaondon anderson 換, 咁就可以打一個比較自由o既 sf 位置
如果去 nets, 相信要用 carter + jefferson 先換到, 到時kg + jason kidd 一樣冇能力爭標
真係十分希望kg 走到,
木狼管理層好廢,waste晒kg 的青春!!!!!

on the order hand,我又唔想kg 去活塞,活塞而家唔需要kg, Rasheed係活塞
打得好好,亦好適合活塞風格,無論offence or defence,我硬係覺得kg去到piston會破壞左

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)

kg既風格好明顯係以快打快型,以佢全能的實力去一d都外圍同快攻既球隊好合佢胃口,再加多個籃板有10+的球員已經係一支冠軍球隊已經,所以太陽(有nash)或者new york(馬具利)好適合佢
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » KG狼王何去何從?

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