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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [轉貼]一個關於種族歧視ge真實故事!!!!!
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A scene also took place on a BA (British Airway) flight between Johannesburg and London.*0 w2 b" Q$ n1 `& N

/ R# o* Q0 _# y# L0 `在英國皇家航空的一架由約翰*尼斯堡到倫敦的飛機上曾發生過一件事*
: d- t! c! I0 X2 d
) D2 [5 J5 _+ l1 v8 S: P
( O+ G( Y8 U, m: X0 K. D$ K*A white woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man. *有一位年約50的白種女人被劃位坐在一位非洲裔男人的旁邊*; j" I8 k' T/ ^# h4 E2 O

, T5 ?, g! {6 u, X1 G" m+ X  a0 ?, j3 R. U, R- T! S2 H: R8 h( N
*Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess. * *她非常的不自在,於是她叫來了一位女空服員*
# K4 `: ]1 D. H- S6 L. x# g* Y" O' I# k$ ^; H

" P2 J( u# V' ]4 I1 R9 e. R( F7 d# O"Madam, what is the matter," the hostess asked. "You obviously do not see it than?" She responded. * *空服員善意的詢問她有何貴事?她說 "你難道看不出來嗎?*
( @: g, f! P4 n1 z, N& x( P; E: S9 v. V( J* f5 r

" t" M. N- v& ?6 k8 h* |*"You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. * * 你把我安排在一個黑人旁邊了。我不願意坐在一個這樣令人反感的人種旁邊, *
+ p9 ]4 R; t2 y; U0 e- q; a0 j& [" E' G: \9 t4 Q
- \  B5 V$ k# L! _$ c0 u# P
*Give me an alternative seat." "Be calm please," the hostess replied. * *我要求換位子。空服員回答到:請稍安勿躁*
; Z  f$ R' T  @- E5 x9 U* I
% S) t1 w7 ^, w
( m5 A* c* i. J$ ~  Q*"Almost all the places on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another place is available." * *今天的客艙幾乎全滿,但我這就去找找看是否有空位*
- S" J+ f5 N% R4 [8 G
+ x: b5 V; _* Q# ^) i, [, m% E7 u4 S! D: P* H
* The hostess went away and then came back a few minutes later.* *空服隨即離開,數分鐘後又回來了。 *
7 p. N6 G3 J; `4 E  X' h/ h
" j  X+ E) X2 y  ^  ?
1 a) G$ N  A9 u! D3 {7 e/ X*"Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seats in the economy class.* *空服員說:這位女士,今天的客艙如我所料,所有的經濟艙都已客滿,*9 b; t: h+ S( b  }- ~3 s/ @
; ]: j  B3 ?! [9 J' F. S, y  O

3 _6 ], l0 U3 b*I spoke to the captain and he informed me that there is one seat in the business class. * *我問了機長,他告訴我商務艙也全滿,但頭等艙還有一個空位。*
  p* p- g2 A8 L& V' k8 d" e, J2 v/ e, `# V
& V& {  R; J4 Z) w! d2 b" N
*All the same, we also have one seat in the first class." Before the woman could say anything, the hostess continued: "It is unusual for our company to permit someone from the economy class to sit in the first class. * *在這位白女人尚未做出反應之前,空服員說:我們公司很少會幫客人從經濟倉升等到頭等艙, *
. y8 v8 ^0 t2 \4 t# h! Z# t2 x+ I8 x8 P
* w1 X7 y' H* i1 r4 X& m% w
*However, given the circumstances, the captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting."* *但基於目前的狀況考量,我們機長認為強迫一位乘客坐在另一位令人噁心的乘客旁是敝公司的奇恥大辱。 6 r/ Y% J2 P1 o) v( A1 X

" K6 Y3 x( o; |# i! u# a' ^: z# _# T, a2 @( P  |- |
**She then turned to the black guy, and said, "Therefore, sir, if you would like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first class."* *空服員轉向那位黑人乘客說到:**"**所以**…**這位先生,如果您願意的話,請您拿著您的隨身行李,頭等艙的機位已為您準備好了。 *
! C6 w0 Q/ t* f& |
9 e4 \( }1 _0 ?- O6 ^4 s0 g& y4 J" _+ G5 e  f
*At the moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they had just witnessed stood up and applauded.* *霎時間,周圍其他的旅客都愣住了,但隨即都起立鼓起掌來。***
( a$ b# G* s$ v. H# U& y8 Q+ d$ K' [8 N9 s3 T& D

* I$ f1 z1 l/ S% ]& l*This is a true story.* *這是一個真實的故事。 ***. {$ n+ s0 h( @# p0 Z) L

+ p! B6 ~* q) F6 r' B) o# M' @; h$ B7 Y, ?9 s) u
) r, ~1 V- y, @9 d* S) E2 b$ W( @3 l8 }; p
heard before, but really a very good story.  hope more ppl can see
) ^0 p; h/ _/ U this.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [轉貼]一個關於種族歧視ge真實故事!!!!!

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