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[健康資訊] 藥用食物 Food as Medicine [樂+]

Food as Medicine
) R- Q2 ~3 i9 N> > >> $ C# U, L9 q5 c6 R0 P- X& d
> > >>HEADACHE? EAT FISH!   H% V5 f2 k3 `3 o
> > >>Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches. 0 Q+ T# ?* r+ \
> > >>So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain.
% W) v6 d3 n0 v1 B> > >> & @; M8 `. Q/ N2 U' I7 w
> > >>HAY FEVER? EAT YOGURT! * Z3 G0 N0 b6 h. S7 ]7 S
> > >>Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season. ' Z7 `/ r* R" J* r  t7 |* z
> > >>Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily. / v! L# A3 j+ ?" i" d* _1 h
> > >> : f( u: a: H& h3 N  Y
> > >>TO PREVENT STROKE DRINK TEA! 8 j2 `3 L1 u2 V" Q" v
> > >>Prevent buildup of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of , ?3 R0 ]* d% E7 |' [
> > >>tea. (actually, tea suppresses my appetite and keeps the pounds from
) N$ J$ A* x( ~7 I' v6 L> > >>invading....Green tea is great for our immune system)!
; z+ W" e- [1 e$ m; h+ `> > >> . ^( F, k; R' X# j0 g' ]$ r1 w! U
> > >>INSOMNIA (CAN'T SLEEP?) HONEY! & \- @+ U5 `- j4 i
> > >>Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.
9 T, J' k) z+ {% Q; g0 F! V> > >>
* @+ ?% T& ~5 v+ y( k2 A! c> > >>ASTHMA? EAT ONIONS!!!!
7 U/ z  f% F$ ~4 J) N: V/ n> > >>Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. (when I was
9 j4 d) ]4 W* c, r$ ^# \( G> > >>young, my mother would make onion packs to place on our chest, helped
4 v' U4 q  h9 n) k3 R> > >>the respiratory ailments and actually made us breathe better).
7 ~" }# s# I% i9 z5 e> > >> , {: [% j0 ~& c& G$ ~* I; C
1 _8 S/ L+ G( ]' X> > >>Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent arthritis. (fish
- [3 Z% w7 j1 F! P  J" }> > >>has omega oils, good for our immune system)
( s6 P% x% w' t+ c> > >>
! i% S6 A0 \' L/ a) N' _9 _2 o+ u) ?) y! b> > >>UPSET STOMACH?  BANANAS - GINGER!!!!!
4 @! w8 D4 O6 p> > >>Bananas will settle an upset stomach. . g% a. p  P$ ]8 s
> > >>Ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea.
2 @/ F+ f: S; a# B% C8 E> > >> - x0 R' G* f& [& p7 p
> > >>High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria. + [) P% U4 n  T( A% v8 H" |( @8 C( @
> > >> & |4 O1 b' l2 p# ?8 f% P
> > >>BONE PROBLEMS? EAT PINEAPPLE!!! " Z- e7 T3 _' b; X" |' R
> > >>Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in
% r) z' o0 b; W& J  F. l> > >>pineapple.
* A1 K" k3 t, i( m/ z' q> > >>
' }2 f1 B1 }: s> > >>PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME? EAT CORNFLAKES!!!! 5 e( U# p0 a8 M* I, ]7 L( ^
> > >>Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes, which help reduce 1 F: j  [- R1 k* s
> > >>depression, anxiety and fatigue. ' Z+ O. U- J" g' ]: E
> > >> / f, m& f  x# v) b+ o
> > >>MEMORY PROBLEMS? EAT OYSTERS! / w7 D5 S# x. f7 B
> > >>Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed $ u) Q% a3 U8 x
> > >>zinc.
" l: I" t/ I8 C& a# C1 p> > >>
+ `' E4 |1 U/ Y+ R' n; y3 m> > >>COLDS? EAT GARLIC!
/ b6 z, ^/ C; M+ k) \: P) a" s> > >>Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. (remember, garlic lowers
5 R, a! @1 j, |( J8 X" J4 b% g+ R> > >>cholesterol, too.)
1 O  E1 [4 Q+ X$ M  E' T7 ?> > >> 2 z: ~! A$ v8 V
> > >>COUGHING? USE RED PEPPERS!! 6 f! `9 O2 v) M
> > >>A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot
' o& U: [3 J% O$ z1 H: s; }> > >>red pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your ) x* z( x* a* I/ _' B; j- Z! w# ?
> > >>tummy. 6 l2 s: H# i" k# r
> > >> - Q) u( B. s# i& X3 m: Z9 E: E" X
> > >>BREAST CANCER?  EAT Wheat, bran and cabbage
2 Q. T# g: p/ G> > >>Helps to maintain estrogen at healthy levels. ) G' V, m* q7 g) s, y9 e
> > >> 7 a* G+ J- ]6 C2 @- y0 }
' }2 v* \* A. I$ l, w% I, y> > >>A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark 3 G$ Y, s# ^7 x$ w
> > >>green and orange vegetables. & X  h, h+ F' i+ n
> > >> 4 z/ B$ D$ c2 P+ y% p0 ^- d  X" a
; X( N) \- }' ?2 ]3 u> > >>Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal
, o& M( d; z* u> > >>ulcers. 7 t$ m/ w: c( O& e0 I
> > >> ' I8 M( b5 L9 f
> > >>DIARRHEA? EAT APPLES! ; x5 n+ H* g! s
> > >>Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this 7 _; O& i0 S* ]* _5 h) V& Q
> > >>condition. (Bananas are good for this ailment) 0 F$ E  W% {' t
> > >> % _  j6 E% [0 |+ V* Y
+ D0 n1 k$ v3 j3 J* C4 s* E> > >>Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol. 3 @8 T3 n; T* Y+ l# b
> > >> 9 j- B, q% A" a- }  [
> > >>Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure. + Z5 o& X7 X( r8 X' M8 o
> > >>Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too. . c& N+ E# N8 i; ^
> > >> ! p, I( k8 ~/ \0 |* B2 C/ i% {
> > >>The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood
1 J4 B. f9 b( z& C* B# y> > >>sugar.
  X2 X" y( @: _9 q9 H$ H; _> > >> . Y5 H( w& c- Z1 \6 Y9 Q; L9 C
> > >>Kiwi: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, ; `/ J% E* ?1 C( S2 n  v7 ?
> > >>Vitamin E &fiber. It's Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange. . P9 Q4 Q& y4 h8 j5 I# I
> > >>
: s% o# w6 A7 h$ C7 h# @9 V: V+ Z& w> > >>Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low ; W. \0 R& G$ G/ c
> > >>Vitamin C content, it has antioxidants &flavonoids which enhances the ) O+ T' N9 J" n) [' V' i
> > >>activity of Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon
% a: Y7 E; s& O6 D9 ]! v( ^> > >>cancer, heart attack & stroke. / T. C! ?! A  `: F, R6 V- Q
> > >>
% j! [2 O0 e$ p; |' S8 |> > >>Strawberry: Protective fruit. Strawberries have the highest total # }" d! x' o, P5 f8 o, r
> > >>antioxidant power among major fruits &protects the body from cancer " W. U' H5 g6 L: P1 H! J9 q
> > >>causing, blood vessels clogging free radicals. (Actually, any berry is % y& ?" a7 s8 {. ~
> > >>good for you..they're high in anti-oxidants and they actually keep us
# o! [! Z; k0 V8 S8 l' u> > >>young.........blueberries are the best and very versatile in the health
  y$ r9 O! L% o5 C/ b( ]4 |> > >>field........they get rid of all the free-radicals that invade our / C! I0 b+ d5 T) F: x; m8 W
>bodies) 6 d9 _. [9 C. E( J
> > >>
; m7 R6 `* s  ]7 j& v" S> > >>Orange: Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 - 4 oranges a day may help keep 5 F6 z2 M& g5 x, {
> > >>colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well
$ c& [9 D% y& j4 D0 s( ^) p> > >>as lessen the risk of colon cancer.
2 W! i* {% r0 y. V> > >>   w; [) W$ a7 L: a# }) t
> > >>Watermelon: Coolest Thirst Quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also
, h* P6 R# @  l. _) v> > >>packed with a giant dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune
7 c+ K3 ]# \$ m& E" i  m  e> > >>system.  They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting ! X3 R" u3 c# ]! o7 ^
> > >>oxidant.  Other nutrients
% i- q* X" b9 J+ P2 |> > >>found in watermelon are Vitamin C &Potassium. (watermelon also has
# E' ?; v: x: ]) _> > >>natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy,
0 T& q/ B+ _4 n" l# F2 c. c> > >>protecting our skin from those darn suv rays) * e1 [) `6 ^! H6 @# J- t+ O
> > >>
+ t) d$ K' r2 U! ~3 @; P6 d% E> > >> : r, }( i, ?/ R( |( M
> > >>Guava &Papaya: Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for 4 G" |4 G/ ?3 c% [
> > >>their high Vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber which helps
) o- A$ {- i+ E) q& t; V> > >>prevent constipation. + Q( M9 X" q' F5 z  o/ d4 E" t
> > >>
- u7 Q) E' t# `# G> > >>Papaya is rich in carotene, this is good for your eyes. (also good for ; x! s) N, y9 W6 o3 @6 b! `- K
> > >>gas and indigestion)
- w4 Z: _/ {; {) w% y4 b> > >> ! h2 a6 P+ g0 v, k! q5 |6 [* i
> > >>Tomatoes are very good as a preventative measure for men, keeps those
; {3 l1 V5 N7 N& w' n" C, i> > >>prostrate problems from invading their bodies.+ F# I* M+ x8 B0 `0 m% H5 V. R: N
; O6 g8 s% m* O. g, r) E
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-6 at 08:21 PM ]
wow.....are those truth..........thanks for the tips.......
Originally posted by Jho808 at 2005-6-6 01:36 PM:' i2 D- I2 n7 k+ _- ?
wow.....are those truth..........thanks for the tips.......
9 u, r$ e0 ?7 i. ]8 V

) ]. m) J6 J* R6 x. L5 A  ]/ lBased on my knowledge, many of the above are true. Especially the following two,
3 _' W9 g7 k8 J7 Y1 j% v
& \) k8 P: f* k7 v; ?8 S! C1) BLADDER INFECTION? DRINK CRANBERRY JUICE!!!! ( Z& I* b4 o6 T2 Z
High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria. 1 H3 H' m, a# C  |& D8 Y! O

$ r& E, |8 z9 N2) Fish has omega-3 fatty acids, and are known to be beneficial to us in various ways. The problem is that our body does not make omega-3 fatty acids, and we need to consume it from fish.- P. M! g* @+ o

- b0 k( H/ k( _0 g, r- CMany research had been done on omega-3 fatty acids. In Canada, biotechnology enabled scientists to incorporate omega-3 fatty acids in eggs. It is currently being sold at supermarkets here. As a result, consumers can obtain it from a non-fish source. More new products with omega-3 fatty acids are expected in the near future.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
However, there's one thing that we should always keep in mind. ! ^$ _( C" W& J0 U! z# b; o! T
# b3 W6 j' c2 Z% W" n& i
A balance diet, and exercise regularly
1 }- p1 U7 A) ~! t- l8 o# z
9 m0 D" s5 c) x6 Q4 SEven though some of the above are beneficial to your health, if you overdo it, they might actually harm you.
& J5 b' z" D) @3 A( V" h2 D) `1 A2 q! n* U
For example, vitamin E is good to you. But overdoing it might lead to Vitamin E poisoning.
9 j8 x# h: S  U: C+ M1 `: ^- `  O$ B: b7 E1 T
Therefore, eat a balance diet (eat everything in moderate), and exercise regularly. These are the most important factors for good health.( ]/ a1 k9 I& b! \. @/ D
" m* J- A0 t3 P( j" V7 p
[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-6-7 at 09:14 AM ]
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [健康資訊] 藥用食物 Food as Medicine [樂+]

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