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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點先為之一杯好咖啡? [積極回應者+]
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點先為之一杯好咖啡? [積極回應者+]

依家香港咖啡店成巷成巿, 相信大家都有去過) J$ \7 z+ U9 n1 S1 T6 Y
但係小弟去過好多咖啡店, 對咖啡認識就唔多,
6 l6 a+ g7 p" X6 S; t) `, `想問一下各位大佬 點先係一杯好咖啡?- v" @" @3 A, T1 I, q! y) t. p

% k! E5 S5 v- R$ A[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-7 at 08:17 PM ]
Originally posted by 但丁 at 2005-6-7 12:41 PM:8 }; _# X" v8 a" y
依家香港咖啡店成巷成巿, 相信大家都有去過
1 }' k0 O7 P9 r5 l但係小弟去過好多咖啡店, 對咖啡認識就唔多,
9 V$ B; n% o, m1 B" l' d6 d4 v想問一下各位大佬 點先係一杯好咖啡?
1 D% N! V' q6 G' i
  t2 C2 F& e, D( a/ e我識一個研究咖啡嘅 food scientist, 我聽日問一問佢, 有 response 会 post 响呢度* @3 x' K+ p& g
不過全世界最貴嘅咖啡叫 kopi luwak, 係用果子狸食咗疴翻出嚟嘅咖啡豆沖嘅, 產地印尼
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
6 T& [! g( c+ D6 H/ D) I8 ~# LBlue Mountain => 酸$ M! }: q3 ^) q
Cappuccino => 奶多
1 Y* D! _& I/ j# q5 KMocha => 濃, 苦4 {5 _4 @* v" U6 D5 v# K- S
Latte => 香醇: B2 X2 k& b1 ?5 ]8 ^
看各人口味, 我教喜歡Blue Mountain
As for me, Kenya beans are generally good in quality and low in prices......the South Amerian ones are too expensive.; J# \% m2 w& i2 [+ ~3 C

! [1 i% E! i' j+ L3 ^: TI guess coffee is a personal choice....I find the Starubcks one leaning too much on favor and caffaine level but less on the acidic level. I generally don't drink starbucks.: Y. v; V" r: X& D2 P/ V1 M1 \1 A

2 P! n0 P) Y6 ^5 K; D1 |$ gI brew mine at home with a blend call "Paradiso Medium". it's a sold in Second Cup in North America only....not expensive at all...
; {6 \/ t8 P4 t5 n7 }5 T6 O: y* e5 W1 ]4 G/ Z
As for specialty coffee (like Latte, Americano, Mocha, etc.), I only drink latte with skim milk...others are too fatty....all you drink is syrup, milk foam, and chocolate....very little coffee.

5 G0 n! Z( B" o# t2 j1 B
; I8 ?0 [: p2 ^: H2 L/ v/ Ohttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... id=cX8GFW#pid684385
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by Lap Hui at 2005-6-7 01:10 PM:  P, d. P& c8 W+ J. X+ o
2 Z& K" n5 T# S. u( S! W1 \6 a' E- z6 {Blue Mountain => 酸
5 @- \2 N5 O, k3 @( gCappuccino => 奶多! y5 `* U* G8 k9 m% {" F
Mocha => 濃, 苦& p8 E' z# O1 ~/ S
Latte => 香醇
6 P& B% Q( `" N% }& Q- J看各人口味, 我教喜歡Blue Mountain
) Y' |* Z7 a- ~- q! x9 x
& R5 C7 Z# T. K
Coming from the headquarter of Starbuck, I feel like I have to say something./ p7 E6 ^0 ]! @( p

8 W' p( k5 T( m! p0 ?Don't get confused, Blue Mountain is a kind of coffee bean.
, r' x2 V2 o& a$ M0 ECappuccino, Mocha, Latte are ways to make coffee.
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-10 02:20 PM:% Q  |) k  d/ P7 m
* r: |% a- C1 n# [$ F
3 E; B# w: K! N/ Z# ^# Q/ F
Coming from the headquarter of Starbuck, I feel like I have to say something.
; B4 z5 n# I; l; T2 f" E  Q
* _; R+ [+ s+ j& d/ ODon't get confused, Blue Mountain is a kind of coffee bean.
9 Y* w4 E, i& I+ _" yCappuccino, Mocha, Latte are ways to make coffee.
. G7 w- r. C  n- Y8 l5 \

, o2 @2 A- \' F% c1 nJohnWu 兄, do you do research there? or the business side?
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-10 02:20 PM:
; q3 Y, F. C! v, D# n, O$ o2 C$ [
  s( u1 d* @; m; O. c5 m" _# N9 \9 A6 `# k) v' l
Coming from the headquarter of Starbuck, I feel like I have to say something.
3 Q+ b, \2 A) L# n
% J) b& S( v' ?: a! uDon't get confused, Blue Mountain is a kind of coffee bean.
& Q) m# s  V* S; ]  OCappuccino, Mocha, Latte are ways to make coffee.
/ O. S3 H: |" P, Z; T4 F. t; Hexactly, Lap Hui made a little mistake on this. cappuccino, mocha and latte should taste almost the same if they use the same type of coffe beans, though not the same. cappuccino is 1/3 foarm, 1/3 milk and 1/3 espresso. mocha is just the same as latte, except that mocha is flavoured with chocolate syrup/powder. blue mountain is the most expensive bean on the consumer coffee market, almost 10 times more expensive than most house blends ---- > but i never tasted blue mountain. I really need to find a good coffee shop first as I dont want to get a good cup of coffee wasted by the barista. I love starbucks for latte, but most of their baristas dont really know much about coffee, most of their knowledge were all learnt from the coffee school, not from experience. Only experienced baristas can brew you the right cup of blue mountain.
8 O% N- F5 x; h0 G) k1 n  N4 ~- ?
  v5 s! H. ^$ {, v& j3 i0 k  d! o- V+ M/ s) p  P2 d! `
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點先為之一杯好咖啡? [積極回應者+]

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