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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A common virus that is harmless to people can destroy cancerous cells in the body and might be developed into a new cancer therapy, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.
3 F( v6 ^9 D1 ?' Y
4 ?& {, i& H' Y$ {# D% wThe virus, called adeno-associated virus type 2, or AAV-2, infects an estimated 80 percent of the population.& g+ y" p' t& M- r( }/ f
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"Our results suggest that adeno-associated virus type 2, which infects the majority of the population but has no known ill effects, kills multiple types of cancer cells yet has no effect on healthy cells," said Craig Meyers, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the Penn State College of Medicine in Pennsylvania.
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7 @; [! B) b  E* e4 o"We believe that AAV-2 recognizes that the cancer cells are abnormal and destroys them. This suggests that AAV-2 has great potential to be developed as an anti-cancer agent," Meyers said in a statement.
& o* G2 }- t) u$ N. J$ d8 ]  a* O' d- b5 @) J3 q- w
He said at a meeting of the American Society for Virology that studies have shown women infected with AAV-2 who are also infected with a cancer-causing wart virus called HPV develop cervical cancer less frequently than uninfected women do.1 d  f  J7 b7 w3 v
, H1 |2 D' V+ s
AAV-2 is a small virus that cannot replicate itself without the help of another virus. But with the help of a second virus it kills cells." N0 k4 J8 l7 r6 D! a9 `7 n

/ Z8 g; T( ]/ O7 x- wFor their study, Meyers and colleagues first infected a batch of human cells with HPV, some strains of which cause cervical cancer." O% ~6 |  B+ y
. ^& D% v& ~# T, p/ c9 Q4 B
They then infected these cells and normal cells with AAV-2.; L' ^% O. ^. G; x/ G
/ b8 D4 @- s& U! H2 N0 ?2 t; H
After six days, all the HPV-infected cells died.
7 n5 \/ O: U& m
7 O8 ?8 F# h7 |6 M. ~8 EThe same thing happened with cervical, breast, prostate and squamous cell tumor cells.
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All are cancers of the epithelial cells, which include skin cells and other cells that line the insides and outsides of organs.
7 h$ k( M3 b" j" T; _
, Z8 S9 c5 {# r* o/ H"One of the most compelling findings is that AAV-2 appears to have no pathologic effects on healthy cells," Meyers said.6 F3 P% Q/ M& X; b2 x) M

& N; F3 ?& [( ~0 E" L, w"So many cancer therapies are as poisonous to healthy cells as they are to cancer cells. A therapy that is able to distinguish between healthy and cancer cells could be less difficult to endure for those with cancer.", o" Z5 E, m3 U# x3 Z" |
0 o/ ?# c( {8 q+ V* S2 L; N
AAV-2 is being studied intensively as a gene therapy vector -- a virus modified to carry disease-correcting genes into the body. Gene therapy researchers favor it because it does not seem to cause disease or immune system reaction on its own.
咩le個區d人齋睇中文ga ma~~5 m0 p. @! ?- M
我好心copy出黎同大家分享~~2 [  C+ ]7 h2 A3 c6 {  s
, A0 K* H2 {, ^. V唉~~
Originally posted by 小虫 at 2005-6-22 07:02 PM:# x* v) B( G1 q% x2 I
8 f0 _' n, Z+ @
) O4 Q9 l, q) ^
洗唔洗呀..2 R! c$ P& b/ m; R# a4 C8 G! y5 S
出POST都唔俾呀* m0 s0 w( s5 K9 D5 ^, l

4 m6 X( x8 R$ \& U[ Last edited by crap on 2005-6-22 at 09:52 PM ]
Originally posted by stephen851214 at 19xx-6-30 19:38:
7 N: e  R) h) M6 W咩le個區d人齋睇中文ga ma~~, j- Q/ W+ p; U' {* l
我好心copy出黎同大家分享~~- H* `/ E# H! {6 {, E: m" w! }
誰知比個它七頭話我七頭~~~  |8 D2 _- T! d$ ^; N
" Y) K+ p+ s# U; f, X2 Y! O9 Y- Y
咁佢就真係有小小唔o岩+ p) f7 e& `' ^' S1 z- e( P  S
但係都幾o岩聽(講笑)) f4 ^+ Y: m0 ]5 n4 s4 }, Y
麻煩stephen851214兄4 f* [3 }# |6 ]/ c. j
. B( Z1 }& `1 i+ V& k一萬個多謝
Originally posted by stephen851214 at 2005-6-22 09:38 PM:
! ~  Z/ _: ~$ o0 ]) ~+ c咩le個區d人齋睇中文ga ma~~
$ s  d1 ^8 v+ f5 Q6 b我好心copy出黎同大家分享~~
3 @# t+ P2 h* X& P' Q誰知比個它七頭話我七頭~~~4 B9 F+ Z2 ]4 Q
  f2 l+ ?6 D* v  p, s3 ]' _

: K2 H$ H( n, U& w  hstephen兄請唔好介意....
Originally posted by 小虫 at 2005-6-22 05:02 PM:
1 M# y4 C! l6 u. S$ ~8 y* m! J" V轉中文啦七頭
5 s% x+ {: r% w7 K7 V
比D禮貌啦。5 N% \0 w# \3 C% U" Q
. p0 u* d: e6 \0 F# w! |, H* u/ b
以下係ALTA VISTA既翻譯器既作品 http://babelfish.altavista.com/
! D4 q" b$ C* Z* |
華盛頓(路透社) - 是無害人民的共同的病毒在星期二毀壞癌細胞在身體, 也許被開發成一種新癌症療法, 美國研究員說。 病毒, 叫做adeno 伴生的病毒類型2, 或AAV-2, 傳染人口的估計百分之80 。 "我們的結果建議, adeno 伴生的病毒類型2, 不傳染人口多數但有已知的惡劣效果, 不殺害多類型癌細胞有作用在健康細胞," 說Craig Meyers, 微生物學和免疫學教授在醫學Penn 州立學院在賓夕法尼亞。 "我們相信, AAV-2 認為癌細胞是反常的並且毀壞他們。這建議, AAV-2 有巨大潛力被開發作為一個抗癌代理, "Meyers 說在聲明。 他說在美國社會的會議上為研究顯示的病毒學婦女被感染並且被感染癌症導致的疣病毒告訴的HPV 頻繁地患子宮頸癌較少的AAV-2 比未感染的婦女做。 AAV-2 是無法複製自己沒有其它病毒幫助的小病毒。但在第二病毒幫助下它殺害細胞。 為他們的研究, Meyers 和同事第一次傳染了批人類細胞與HPV, 一些張力導致子宮頸癌。 他們然後傳染了這些細胞和正常細胞與AAV-2 。 在六天以後, 所有HPV 被傳染的細胞死了。 同樣事發生了以子宮頸, 乳房、攝護腺和squamous 細胞腫瘤細胞。 所有是上皮細胞的癌症, 包括皮膚細胞和其它細胞排行器官裡面和outsides 。 "最強制的研究結果的當中一個是, AAV-2 不看上去有病理性作用在健康細胞," Meyers 說。 "許多癌症療法是一樣毒的對健康細胞像他們對癌細胞。能區別在健康之間的療法並且癌細胞能較不難忍受為那些以癌症。" AAV-2 密集地被學習作為基因療法傳染媒介-- 病毒被修改運載疾病改正基因入身體。基因療法研究員傾向它因為它不似乎導致疾病或免疫系統反應獨自。
thx a lots~~/ g( N2 Z/ W' f* H' c
i can't find the chinese version~~
1 j4 a6 t6 r( y+ g4 }6 Zthanks for helping me
Originally posted by crap at 2005-6-22 07:47 PM:+ @+ @1 U5 f) ?% b, ]7 K7 F

3 D7 e; P! j" k5 U! }/ p5 u. [" o
8 g( Z+ w, d9 \: ]出POST都唔俾呀+ c* A+ K; o1 h, A3 M" K5 ?

: s& w: |) q' B[ Last edited by crap on 2005-6-22 at 09:52 PM ]
0 e! w% |  F; f( b! t& t1 x0 b3 u多謝你既支持同多謝你拔刀相助
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