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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » Hard to make decision(s)...
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[愛情診療室] Hard to make decision(s)...

I'm a student from Aus and   ... i had a gf in HK for 4-5 yrs..but 2 mths ago i started going out with a japanese girl (she is so hot).. i know what im doing is wrong .. but i couldnt control ... ..  its hard for me to choose...i will be gradurate next year and i may returrn back to HK and the jap gal still hv 3 yrs for her studies..
does the Jpn Gal to be the substitue of ur HK gf............
or u have too much storge in ur little john..wanna to shot.......

nothin important about what/who u should choose....
u should think about why u choose..HK/Jpn...any good ending from each other@?
one in Aus and one in HK
Lucky U
Originally posted by hung414 at 2005-12-14 09:43 AM:
does the Jpn Gal to be the substitu...
now i feel like the HK one is a substitute...but on the other hand i feel  HK one knows me more .she knows alot what i like ... and one of them come to visit me sometime will be a problem.. i mean if one of them come to HK/Aus ...
Originally posted by lliu at 2005-12-14 10:41 AM:
one in Aus and one in HK
Lucky U
actually is not lucky .. now i feel like i dont hv much self/private time
i would say go out with that Jap. girl, one year later break up with her, than u back to HK with ur girl in HK, seriously..i don't think Japanese girl can stay relationship with a guy for long..so..maybe u guy game over in just 2 or 3 months..it just my opinion...Jap. girl like short realtionship..as my experience..
i think u should be loyal to ur HK gf.....if u r really love her.
filter-038 the Jap gril and dump her.  revenge for the chinese people
Originally posted by Project.D at 2005-12-14 11:45 AM:
i would say go out with that Jap. g...
but she was saying she is not that easy to change bf... i dont really believe ... and i would like to hear ur experience ..
just don't try to solve it...
just let the situation like this and see what happens..
coz the possibility of them meeting each other is really low right?
dun break anyone's heart la
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » Hard to make decision(s)...

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