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I don't agree with the stupidity of them all!

5) Peanuts: some people are allergic with peanuts and could die within hours of touching anything that has peanuts in it.  It's just ---s who has a lesser chance of this allergy. The label is necessary.

9) Boots Cough Sryup: most cough syrup causes people to have drowsiness after the intake so people can sue Boots if they take the syrup (children's syrup work just fine for adults who has the same problem) and have car accidents. You would put the label there if you are the CEO of Boots.

Labels are important and instructions are enforced by the FDA for both drugs and foods alike. Just because we live in relative civilized areas doesn't mean others have no need for them all.  I bet most of us would need the instruction for a home-make wine kit but the Italians and Spanish would laugh so hard at us in that regrad.
Originally posted by baatkung at 2005-5-5 01:03 AM:
yes, if you go to see some cases in courts
you will see that people could sue for everything in USA....
ミレ一ヌ.ヅ一ナス- 熱气バサラ
"警告-內有花生!!!"         好驚呀~~~

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