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Funny couples

1: husband, wife, dinner.
Husband: Well, why put so many dishes?
Wife: for a while you'll see.
Husband tasted the dish: Wow, so salty?
Wife: this error, put too much salt in. The bowl is the white in the first bowl of boiling water, wash, second bowl rinse, third bowl bubble, can eat.
2 recent, wife loses her temper, husband not lukewarm to sing: "the wind is roaring, the horse in the name, wife roar, wife roar!!!"
In 3, husband and wife is home to chat, chat with a childhood memory.
Husband said:" when I was 6 years old in kindergarten and girls play games."
My wife asked:" is it right? That you gave the girl three candy?"
Husband was surprised, and asked:" how do you know?!"
Wife bate:" Damn it, there are two sweets is wrapped inside a stone!!"
4, to show off their chest husband, husband expression of disdain, wife angrily:" you have seen greater than this?"spreads

Husband I replied: "of course, when the university there is a female students, that is the chest implement?"
Wife I angrily:" what, from the truth!"home
Husband : "when the group dancing, everyone is holding hands in a circle that. Jump to a warm place, her clothes were all pumped up the chest implement, take in everything in a glance, surging."
" Ah? She doesn't know?"
" Know ah."
"Then why didn't she arranges clothes?"deep
" Her two hands are being pulled!"
The English is horrendous... Fix it
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 笑爆肚開心笑話區 » Funny couples

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