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Which DC brand is better


品質 - nikon
花神 - casio
外形 - sony / cannon
花神 : mean photo shop function?

actually i care more about pic quality and flashing should be strong.

and screen 大D是否=可影到的範圍大d
花神= battery power, slim, big-screen, MP4....

大D是否=可影到的範圍大d---no big screen only waste battery power.
品質Canxn also good
very useful commant

and just wonder is it got a other forum of DC
as I am in overseas
not convinence for window shopping and ask the staff suggestion

thank you again
以前買相機, 隻眼瞄落去的果個视窗(唔知 how to say the term), 有D牌子又大又清( that mean can shot a wider area) ,有D好細

so gotta know which brand strong in this basic component as a camera
and which video format ( MPEG or AVI etc) and memory card is better

sorry for too many questionsssssssssss
1. http://www.dcviews.com/
2. no people will see through the small windows la, you can watch the LCD screen...
3. for nikon video format is MOV, Casio and Cannon is MP4.
4. Most DC use SD memory card, for SDLR will use Compact Flash (much fast)
MR d228216


我梗知now  use LCD 取景la
I mean 以前用取景器來看能影多大的範圍
依家冇 so想知現應以乜來知部機能影的视野
邊个牌子wider can suggested

So MP4 or mov clip is perferred R? ---->which quality is better and occupy less memory?

Which card is cheaper ah?

Sorry for ask too much Q again
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » Which DC brand is better

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