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曼聯歐冠客戰名單:C.朗拿度隨隊出征 另一絕對主力卻缺席




man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang








但個人覺得反而係唔滿意現時nani既進度, 佢今季出得少, 最近連一d正選上陣既時間都比朴志星搶埋....

另外另一位19歲既塞爾維亞球員拿積, 亦有傳只要佢一入國家隊曼聯就會出手....
有冇人知上場manutd vs sunderland
踢緊果陣費sir 兩三次囉起一個電話做咩?
Since Queiroz left for Portugal manager, Sir Alex went back to his favorites formation with one behind striker like Cantona, Yorke and Sheringham did, which dominated in 90s. Now this formation is less efficient to play against man marking defense, as we can see this year, its lack of shark in offense, which mean one touch football and changing side fluently to break down stubborn opponent. What we need  now is "CHANGE" back to a mobile-able force.

sat, I don't agree with you. For a club to dominate for a certain period of time, the club must have 1. Key Players, 2. Right Manager, 3. Right Tactics and etc. After the club have the right players and manager (coaching stuff), then the manager must do his job. A certain tactic such 4-4-2 cannot used by a club for a period of a few years as other clubs/teams will find the solution to counter a certain tactic. The success achieved by Sir Alex or Man United is based on this. For example, AS Roma, use 4-2-3-1 for 3 seasons and this season their tactic is decoded and the team does badly. Everton use the same tactic for 3 seasons and this season they have shaky performance.

Sir Alex knows this theory and he makes changes to the team. Mobility and floating football (or free role) is the trademark of Man United for the last season. This season, Sir Alex reduces the mobility and injects some organization.  Besides, Sir Alex adds one more important player into his system, Berbatov. I don't care what others say about him but he integrates into them team quite well. He holds up the ball, makes rooms for Ronaldo, Rooney or Tevez, and control the tempo of the final third. If Sir Alex continue to use the same tactic as last season, Man United will do badly. He creates variation of his 90's formation.

For a long time no one debates tactics and formations here. What a relieve now where at least someone stands up and injects some fresh into the forum.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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